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So here's what I want to work on next . Engine is from avenger funny Car, also the slicks , if you bought the overkill Magazine , a couple of years ago , there's a 30 nash coupe with the engine jacked up in the frame , wanta try  that this time around.  My first the 32 wasn't creative enough , so this one will be. Macro this time with the camera. 



Worked alittle on the Coupe today , not sure if it's gonna turn out like the Nashty Coupe , but I'll keep plugging away . Gotta work on the interior so get going! 

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So I painted the gold , didn't turn out the way I was expecting , but i went in knowing this is a paint from a actual car , my impala ,so wasn't really sure if it was a Laquer, or enamel . The blue is striping tape , that will reveal the gold , I'm going to somewhat re create the paint from the Nashty T , a car on the overkill cover magazine, ... 

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Well ,here's the green on the body , if I'm wrong to post the magazine picture , I won't do it again. I'm thinking bordering the green paint with white pin stripe or yellow. Wondering how to apply the black shading , I'll get it maybe.

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Well I pin stripe the white , just gonna leave it the way it is.  Not gonna go for the nashty look , not the right car , Paint isn't right , but it is what it is!  Hope you like it! Too bad it's not a real car. Mike




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