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Wow !!! That is so clean !!!! 

I miss the days of being able to buy clean , dirt cheap Dusters , Darts , Variants , etc .

Would you so kind as to share you technique of building that bench seat ?



Wow !!! That is so clean !!!! 

I miss the days of being able to buy clean , dirt cheap Dusters , Darts , Variants , etc .

Would you so kind as to share you technique of building that bench seat ?


Thanks a lot John. The bench seat was made by using the two kit bucket seats as a base. I cut the seat back/headrests shorter and laid thin styrene sheet over the seat cushion and backs to join them together. All the sides were filled in with styrene as well. I sanded the edges to reduce the square 'blocky' appearance they had. The headrests were carved from blocks of plastic. The inserts, (tuck and roll areas) are evergreen styrene sheet that comes with the grooves in it. I added thin wire around the edges of the seat to represent piping. The results were ok, but I could have spent more time on them, or maybe there's a resin cast piece available that would have been better. Still, it was fun to do, and like they say, practice makes perfect.

Duster seat2.jpg

Duster seat1.jpg


Wow, Love it!

A buddy of mine drove one just like that some 30-odd years ago.

Those slant-sixes sounded like sewing machines but would run forever.


It is nice to see a non-blinged out model.  The Plain Jane cars don't get a lot of love.  Your model captures what many of us saw on the streets back in the day.  Nice job!


Beautiful!!  One that wasn't all gussied up, most looked like this!  Long ago my neighbor's daughter had 2, gold like this one,

and an olive green metallic one...

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