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Ford LN8000 Car Hauler

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This is my first big truck build. Everything went together pretty easy except the mirrors. The mold pin marks on the mirrors was pretty bad too. I weathered the engine just a little, seat belts, and some bmf. I don't have a picture of the finished engine. I'm dummy.  I tried straight pins for the levers on the steering column. That's a first for that. And put some epoxy over the gauge faces. It's only my third model I've built so far. I did enjoy it and hope everybody enjoys the pictures.






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Nicely done, and it's only your 3rd model! Wow. Looks good. I've got one of these in the stash, wish j woulda picked up more when Hooby Lobby had them on the shelves. 

But, this looks great. The mirrors on most of these AMT truck kits are a real PITA, don't feel bad. I like the straight pins on the column.

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This is a great looking model.....Especially for it being only your third model.....It's quite good.....Great detail on your interior.....Excellent work....

Hobby Lobby is getting rid of these things around here.....I'm going to have to snag a couple more before the week is up....

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