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In memory of Harry-Brass garage

Eric Macleod

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Like many of you I was deeply moved by the passing of Harry. I learned about his death thsi mornting and spent quiite a lot of time thinking about this inspirational man whom I had never met. As I reflected about this I thought about my own projects and what I have wanted to do with the hobby for some time, specifically, start a diorama. What if my own time was limited and what would I want done myself.

To that end, I have the base of my diiorama done and the walls erected. There is a tremendous amount to do but I felt making a start would be a good tribute to Harry's memory. For the first cars parked in the garage, I felt nothing would be more appropriate than a few brass cars with some concours posters in the background. My idea for this garage is it will be dusty and grungy. Like many of the floors in barns at the Gilmore Car Museum near my house, the floor of my garage is wood and is decidedly flat and weathered. The walls are a grungy gray. So...where did I lay that wrench?20170406_205835_zps2g0lyykm.jpg?t=149144

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