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Bare Metal Foil Questions

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1) Anyone got pics of auto trim etc where gold BMF was used?

2) Same as above, but with black BMF.

3) How do you use Matte Aluminum BMF without losing the matte effect due to burnishing?

Comments on any/all of these products are welcome. 

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You'd have to burnish the daylights out of the matte finish foil to change it to chrome finish.  Unless you're using some unknown, more rigorous application method, there's no need to be worried about that.

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The foils you mentioned are thicker and stiffer than the original or new chrome.  So they are bit more stubborn and don't confirm to the surface as well.  The gold and black can be rubbed off if burnished too vigorously.  I prefer masking and black paint rather than black foil. I only used gold for small items like emblems.

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The foils you mentioned are thicker and stiffer than the original or new chrome.  So they are bit more stubborn and don't confirm to the surface as well.  The gold and black can be rubbed off if burnished too vigorously.  I prefer masking and black paint rather than black foil. I only used gold for small items like emblems.

The matte finish foil is no thicker than the standard BMF.  It's probably even the same foil, only with the adhesive applied to the other (shinier) side.

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Also remember that the gold & black foils are not that color all the way through.

They are still aluminum foil with a colored surface so they are prone to having the color coating rub off.

Especially if they come in contact with any abrasive or solvents.

So polishing with an abrasive polish or pad will remove the color.

Using the "foil under paint" technique will not work with these foils because polishing or thinner will turn it into regular BMF.

I use gold foil on occasion but I apply it at the end of the build & try not to mess with it too much after.

I used gold foil on the "Fury" scripts on my '60 Fury & the "Lancer" badges on the front fenders of my '59 Dodge.







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When I built my '58 Cadillac by Imex/Arii, I had trouble getting the gold foil to stick when trimming the hood emblems.  I applied a thin coat of clear enamel to the emblems with a small brush and then burnished the gold foil down using a QTip and a wooden toothpick.  I let that dry overnight then trimmed the foiled emblems with a fresh XActo blade the next day.  It came out great.


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