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Any consensus on a new photo sharing service?

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My Photobucket still works because I am a paying member, so I still use it, although not for anything important now - because I know they will send me that pleasant little notice about the 400 bucks a year nonsense when my term runs out, whenever that is. Until then, all photos I post here are through the MCM internal image hosting feature, and I'll wait to see which other service bubbles to the top of the recommendations before I move everything to it and start restoring threads on other sites.

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Hi Mike,

That's actually a wise move.

Although I would caution depending on MCM for long term photo hosting as you never know what can happen to the Big Kahuna.

I mean the mag seems on and off so the site may or may not follow suite.

I love this place and the format is top notch but you simply never know what's around the bend in this fast paced tech based life we are all in.  Not to mention the increasingly sick population we seem to have here in the U.S.

Edited by aurfalien
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Hi Mike,

Although I would caution depending on MCM for long term photo hosting as you never know what can happen to the Big Kahuna.

If anybody solely use any online photo hosting site for the only copy of a photo, that is foolish. I would not feel sorry for them if they lost them.

The only reason I upload photos to online sites it to share them with others. Mostly in online forums. I always have multiple copies stored locally (one on a live hard drive on my PC and couple of backups on removable media).  I like the idea of hosting photos for a forum, on the forum itself - that way they will be viewable (in the posts) for as long as the forum is around.

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   I just signed up with Postimage.com, and I like the

easy to use format.  I tried to use Flickr but had a

hard time using it for 3 party hosting.

  And that's the only reason I went there!  I don't

need to worry about my hard drive (500GB) so I

can't see any other reason for these sites.

   David S.

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