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So, I've been wanting to build one of these for awhile. Still debating if I should plunk down the big bucks and get the beautiful resin conversion set from Historic Racing Miniatures to convert the Fujimi/Revell kit to full detail. I might get the Studio21 photoetch set as well. But, after watching the auctions for these Fujimi/Revell kits on the big auction site I have a couple questions.

So, Fujimi originally offered the tooling, and then Revell sold their own versions of the same kit? And then Fujimi released the kit again? How recently?

Also, does Fujimi offer 2 versions of this tooling? One with the rear engine cover as a separate part, and then one with the body all molded as one piece? The only version I've noticed to have the separate rear bodywork is the Gulf version with the body molded in light blue. Is that because it's a 68 car versus the rest which appear to be 66's? Are there other differences between the 66 vs 68 kits, or just the separate rear bodywork?

Also, if anyone has thoughts on their experiences building this kit? From what I've heard it really is a nice kit.

Posted (edited)

There is another thread with a detailed article about build a race specific Mark II.  The HRM engine kit is for the Fujumi Mark I's like the 68/69 wLemans winner.  Those kits have the same chassis as the Mark II's but with a two piece body and other parts unique to the Mark I.  So the first decision is do ou want to build. Mark I or II and with or without an engine.  You will have to use a big block for the Mark II and perhaps you can use the rest of the HRM kit but I have not tried doing that.  I used mine to trick out the old Thunder Valley kit ($100 over 20 years ago) but the Fujumi would be an acceptable substitute.  Here is article from 1994 so keep in mind it was before Fujumi released the Mark I's.








Edited by vamach1
Posted (edited)

Wow - $130 for the upgrade pus the kit plus better wheels and tires.  That makes the HRM kit look like a bargain.

Edited by vamach1

My only problem with the Fujimi Gulf GT40 while it's nice------there's something about the body that's not quite right to me, especially in the rear. The '68-'69 LeMans 1:1 had very bulgy rear fenders to accommodate those big meaty tires which were much in fashion by the late '60's.

To my eyes, Fujimi's Gulf cars don't quite capture that shape, and it makes me want to "bulk up" the rear if I ever build mine. Of course, this is just me, and others may not see it that way............but here's a pic of the 1:1.


I don't have the Fujimi kit's body on hand at the moment to take a pic, but judge for yourself...............the kits rear fenders just plain appear too flat for me. :huh:

Maybe this car shown was later modified? I've seen other vintage pics though where the rear fenders looked quite bulged out.


My only problem with the Fujimi Gulf GT40 while it's nice------there's something about the body that's not quite right to me, especially in the rear. The '68-'69 LeMans 1:1 had very bulgy rear fenders to accommodate those big meaty tires which were much in fashion by the late '60's.

To my eyes, Fujimi's Gulf cars don't quite capture that shape, and it makes me want to "bulk up" the rear if I ever build mine. Of course, this is just me, and others may not see it that way............but here's a pic of the 1:1.


I don't have the Fujimi kit's body on hand at the moment to take a pic, but judge for yourself...............the kits rear fenders just plain appear too flat for me. :huh:

Maybe this car shown was later modified? I've seen other vintage pics though where the rear fenders looked quite bulged out.

Fujimi doesn does look pretty beefy as is, but, it could always be bulked up some more. 

When Gulf started sponsorship of these cars, the rear wheels started getting wider when the engines made more power. Apparently up to 14" wide wheels! 

So yes, there did make some wide tail cars. 



This is the kit that truly restarted my love for modeling. I had gone into a small store in Virginia and they were closing out some older kits. They had 8 Fujimi GT-40s for $8 each. I hadn't built anything in years, but I got one just because. When I went to check out she charged me $3. She said there was an additional discount so I bought the rest of them. That's a deal I couldn't pass up. I ended up buying a conversion kit for one, and a lot of Fred Cady decals. Beautifully designed kits! Sadly, they were lost a few years later by the movers when I left the Navy.

Posted (edited)

The Fujimi 1:24 GT40 Mk I and Mk II kits are nice, Fujimi did a couple of versions of the Mk I where some body parts and wheels are different between the kits and in different liverys as it was raced several seasons (1964-69), there is only one version of the Mk II but in different liverys as it was raced only two seasons, 66 and 67 and the Mk IV were only used in the 67 season, after that the engine displacement changed to 5 litres maximum and the Mk II and Mk IV became obsolete.
The Mk I is the only version there are upgrade kits for, nothing for Mk II yet as far as I know, the KA Models upgrade kit for the Mk I looks nice but the price is a bit steep, the HRM upgrade kit is also nice, you don't get as many parts as in the KA kit but it's a lot cheaper and you can do a decent detailed model with it,

Edited by Force

Rex, that is one NICE Gulf GT40!

One kit that hasn't been mentioned and it's proportions aren't bad is the pricey but nice LeMans Miniatures version. I had one of these kits for many years, and even went as far as getting the resin doors to open and close properly. I lost interest in it though and eventually sold it on eBay.

At least to me, the lines of the body were quite good, although some may differ with that thought. It looked to me for the Gulf car that they modeled, the lines were mostly spot on.



I do not have the LM kit but I did build the CMA roadster and have the coupe on the list.  Also built the ME mirage a long time ago.





I know Mark IV's technically aren't GT40's (re. the original post).  My question is has anyone seen and/or built either the Renaissance or LMM kits of the MkIV ?  I am curious as to how they compare to the IMC and MPC kits.


I have not built the Renaissance kit yet but here it is next to the Testors and MPC kits next to it.  You can see the difference in the width of the bodies,especially in the rear.





I had the Renaissance and sold it, seemed a hand full for my skill level.

If I were to get another mkIV, it would be the LeMans Miniatures version as I think it's body looks better.

This is not to say that the Renaissance kit isn't awesome, because it is.  But the LMM kit looks a tad better.


I have not built the Renaissance kit yet but here it is next to the Testors and MPC kits next to it.  You can see the difference in the width of the bodies,especially in the rear.



Thanks for the photos.  Isn't the Renaissance kit supposed to be 24th and the other two 25th scale?  It should be noticeably larger than shouldn't it?  It also looks like a fair amount of visible details despite being a curbside.  Excellent builds on the other two btw.




I had the Renaissance and sold it, seemed a hand full for my skill level.

If I were to get another mkIV, it would be the LeMans Miniatures version as I think it's body looks better.

This is not to say that the Renaissance kit isn't awesome, because it is.  But the LMM kit looks a tad better.

Thanks for the info. It's sometimes difficult to really see what you get from pics on a vendor site.


Thanks for the info. It's sometimes difficult to really see what you get from pics on a vendor site.


Very true.

I suppose a good way to gauge it would be by some one who carries both kits and has seen them in person  Or simply from some one has seen has seen both in person.

I used to buy from island Collectables and he had a similar sentiment about the two offerings.  Perhaps call him up, his site is till up with his phone number.

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