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My brother Larry's '61 VW double cab pickup (in his own words)

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I've gathered reference of 1959 to 1967 VW Double Cab Pickups over many years and planned a full feature model (opening doors, steering, etc). Wanting to build a '60 to '61 version, I've opted to rework a 1/24 MotorMax '64 diecast toy for durability. My previous attempt to modify a plastic VW bus model (Revell) 25 years ago was less than successful. It became fragile and unstable as I added many working details and features. 
The MotorMax toy, though interesting, is very basic with no opening doors, no steering, no engine, very limited interior and under floor/chassis detail, and disproportionate rear side windows, wheels/hubcaps, etc. 
I had also acquired a badly damaged donor VW Bus toy that was reasonable starting material for floor/chassis, engine, etc. 
My project got underway as I stripped the paint off the MotorMax, and carved open all doors and access panels using my rotary tool, razor saw and files. 
I scratch-built the complete styrene '61 style interior (including folding seat access to spare tire and storage bin), door jams, brass window frames, spare wheel, brass and styrene steering, assorted engine details, wiring, brass canvas rear cover and hoops, brass door and panel hinges, brass gate panel retainers, styrene wheel rims, brass and styrene European style bumpers, etc. 
As well as adding details such as inner and outer door handles, wipers, chassis jacking points, inner gate structure, etc., the model now features opening front and rear doors, opening gas filler door, opening action for side gates, opening engine access panel, full chassis, and full engine detail. I've filed off the '64 era directional signals and substituted my own '61 style units. 
Paint details: 
-Main body, correct Dove Blue (basecoat/clearcoat) 
-wheels, bumpers, correct Silver-White (automotive touch up) 
-hubcaps, correct grey with white inserts (enamel) 
-interior fiberboard panels, satin grey (automotive Duplicolor primer) 
-assorted details, (Testors, Tamiya, Humbrol paints)
















Edited by traditional

The finished model looks like it was designed that way to begin with. Excellent  workmanship thru out.


Another inspirational build, Larry. I like the background story here. You were planning this one for quite some time, and now here it is. There's a ton of satisfaction that goes with 'crossing one off of your list'.

Those hand made curved front doors must have been a lot of fun to do, along with all the other amazing working features that are always a part of your models. Overall a very authentic replica. No doubt all the reference gathering you did over the years really paid off.

Thanks for posting it Cliff.

On 2/10/2018 at 7:23 PM, geetee66 said:


The modifications you made, really paid off.

A very well executed and  realistic build.


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