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ScaleFinishes.com order

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I have heard many not so nice comments on this board and other's about the problems with getting your paint orders from James @ ScaleFinishes.com. 
I placed an order for 4 bottles back in mid February or later? and I shortly after that got an email from James saying that there had been delays in getting his products out to the customers and gave me a very reasonable reason why that was the case.  He at the time told me that he was shipping my order that day after mixing the paint, this was 3/ 5/18.  Well fellow model buffs, the paint order came yesterday 3/12/18  in the mail and it was exactly what I ordered. 
I think it's high time that we show James some love and give him his due,  he's a very hard working man of his word, produces an excellent product and service for us and I feel that in today's world where everyone is p&@#!d at everyone else and blame them for whatever goes wrong in their lives that maybe it's high time that we say thank you to James.  KUDOS to James and thank you.  

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Nice to see a positive thread for Jameston and Scalefinishes for a change,   ive been dealing with him for at least four years now and he has always done me right,   and yes, he has had bit of a bad run as of late with getting orders out and responding to emails in a timely manner and I dont blame people for feeling like they do. 

While pretty much every third party vendor is doing this on the side, there comes a point when having a life outside of the hobby  is no longer a valid excuse and once you take money in exchange for goods or services, it's no longer a hobby and things need to be done in a timely manner or you stop what you are doing till you can provide your products or service in a timely manner or make you sure communicate with your customers and not ignore them,  that goes for every vendor,  not just Scalefinishes.

But on the positive side, he is taking steps to correct the issues, he took full responsibility for everything and is  trying to turn things around , and I will continue to support him .


*full disclosure, he is a sponsor for my Youtube channel

Edited by martinfan5
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