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Coronet wheels

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You can pretty much make any wheel work with a little modification. I always keep resin aftermarket “thin” wheelbacks on hand just in case. 

Moebius wheels are a one piece rim, that fits inside the hollow tire. You could modify the backside of the rim with wheelbacks from your parts bin, or the Coronet wheelbacks.. 

The easiest way in your case would be to modify the axles on the Coronet kit, to accept the Moebius wheels. This would most likely require grinding down the Moebius wheel hubs with a roto tool, like a Dremel.

As far as being correct, maybe a knowledgeable Mopar person could chime in on that one. 

Edited by Brutalform
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Why not just go with these: https://scenesunltd.com/products/s16

Unless you are looking for high trim level. Then you could get away with the Belvedere caps, but I am not sure they are 100% right. If you are a rivet counter, No, but 99% of people would look at them and not know the difference. BTW, there were other options, several caps were offered.

First picture is the Coronet, second is the Belvedere.


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