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I started this a few weeks ago and finally got around to posting. It’s mostly done at this point except the interior. I had that painted and didn’t like it so it went for a soak. It’s now just primer white waiting for color. 











Hey William! I have mine on the Bench too, but yours is far more advanced than mine... I've just about got the engine off the sprues.... yours is looking excellent!

On 2/12/2019 at 9:28 AM, 89AKurt said:

I did the original multiple colors for the interior, think I masked 7 times (I don't like brush painting).  Looking good!

I had brush painted it but I was unhappy with the results and the colors I'd picked. I'm going to hone my masking skills with this one. Thanks!

15 hours ago, Funkychiken said:

Hey William! I have mine on the Bench too, but yours is far more advanced than mine... I've just about got the engine off the sprues.... yours is looking excellent!

Thank you!

8 hours ago, ismaelg said:

Nice! What color do you plan?

Thank you. The spoiler is painted but photographs terribly. It is Tamiya AS5 Light Blue aircraft spray with Tamiya pearl clear over it. The wheels are orange...it's a Gulf Mobile tribute theme.

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