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There’s not much more fun than a road trip, unless it’s a road trip that also includes going to Hobby Shops along the way! A couple of weeks ago, my brother and I ended up doing some “hobby shopping” in Michigan, and it was not without considerable success!

We managed to find all kinds of old, interesting and (of course!) sad car kits that begged to become part of the stash. Being kind-hearted, we of course took them in! Check out this weird mix of everything from MPC Annuals to JoHan promo-kits at the link below!

Don’t forget to vote for your favourite, either!




What a great haul!  Careful it doesn't create some kind of Mediocrity Singularity and suck you into a black hole. Oh wait, too late...

18 hours ago, Mike999 said:

What a great haul!  Careful it doesn't create some kind of Mediocrity Singularity and suck you into a black hole. Oh wait, too late...

Oh man, what a great turn of phrase that is! However, you're correct: I'm on the other side of the "unevent horizon", looking at a totally different set of physics. :)



That's quite a haul!  I used to have the Eldorado, but gave it to a co-worker who used to have the real car.  Too bad they didn't make a '77 Biarritz model since I've owned the real thing for 21 years.  I still have the Coupe deVille and built it like a promo.  

Bad news for your brother.  As you predicted, the Camaro AHC-100 is terrible.  The plastic is so thin behind the door handles that there was a slight opening (horizontal slit) behind each one!  You'd have to add sheet plastic on the back side and paint the body (to fill the opening) to make it look decent.  It wasn't worth the work so I sold it.

Unless I'm hallucinating, I saw the real thing at a Detroit-area car show a number of years ago.   

2 hours ago, Motor City said:


That's quite a haul!  I used to have the Eldorado, but gave it to a co-worker who used to have the real car.  Too bad they didn't make a '77 Biarritz model since I've owned the real thing for 21 years.  I still have the Coupe deVille and built it like a promo.  

Bad news for your brother.  As you predicted, the Camaro AHC-100 is terrible.  The plastic is so thin behind the door handles that there was a slight opening (horizontal slit) behind each one!  You'd have to add sheet plastic on the back side and paint the body (to fill the opening) to make it look decent.  It wasn't worth the work so I sold it.

Unless I'm hallucinating, I saw the real thing at a Detroit-area car show a number of years ago.   

Man, my brother would be ALL OVER the Biarritz! It's cool that you have a real one! Nice!

Well, it is a '70s AMT, so it's no surprise that it's a terrible kit. I think he's going to keep it wrapped up as collector's piece, since it's in perfect shape box wise. I think it was more for the thrill of owning something so weird (which I get) rather than building it that he bought it. It seems to be a valuable kit, so still sealed it's never going to lose its lustre. 

For me, I'd like to do an AHC Monza, so I'd like to have a scan of the decals to do m own thing with. :)

Wow, you saw the real one? That's awesome!


It has 20,000 miles, astroroof, Cerulean Blue Firemist (a light blue).  I bought it off of the original owners' son, and it turned over 7000 miles as I backed it out of the driveway.  It could use a paint job, and the fender extensions are now crumbling.

The box art on the Camaro kit is pretty good.  Was the price a steal?  I think I saw the real thing at a Camaro show.  It must be pretty rare.

So you're talking about a fantasy AHC Monza?    I have the MPC '75 Monza 2+2 kit that I bought when it came out.  I was going to paint it orange with a saddle interior, but haven't gotten around to it yet. 



On 6/18/2019 at 6:41 PM, Faust said:

There’s not much more fun than a road trip, unless it’s a road trip that also includes going to Hobby Shops along the way! A couple of weeks ago, my brother and I ended up doing some “hobby shopping” in Michigan, and it was not without considerable success!

We managed to find all kinds of old, interesting and (of course!) sad car kits that begged to become part of the stash. Being kind-hearted, we of course took them in! Check out this weird mix of everything from MPC Annuals to JoHan promo-kits at the link below!

Don’t forget to vote for your favourite, either!



Where did you find these kits?


At least your car is a real Camaro, not one trying to pretend to want to pretend to be pretending to be a Trans Am. 

As a Trans Am guy, the AHC is an insult. As a Camaro guy, I'd assume you'd feel the same...

Talk about not pleasing your target audience... it's like Michael Bay directed that one! :)


Yes, I did get them at Ashbrook's! Good call Paul! 

I see you're in MI as well - how close is Richmond to Highland?

Ashbrook's was pretty neat, my brother got some Hot Wheels there too. The best part of Richmond, though, has to be Ken's Country Kitchen. That place if amazing! I've never seen so much food, so good, so cheap! I just ate there on a business trip to NOVI on Tuesday! Went about 1/2 hour out of my way, and turned down a free lunch just to go there!

Oh, and I got a Ghost Rider Vette at Ashbrook's too. :)


That what I thought! Richmond is 2 hours east of me. Also stop at Great Lakes Hobby on Van Dyke road , just south of M-59, near Utica, Mi. Check the Hobby Lobby's when you are here on business, sometimes they have kits on clearance, too!!!!!!!!Nice haul on  the model kits. Now that's what I call mixing  business with pleasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I figure if they're going to make me get up early, drive 2.5 hours for a meeting that's less than  a half hour long, and useless (like I predicted) then I'm bloody well going to get a good lunch and a new model kit out of it! :)

Oh man... Great Lakes is on Van Dyke? I'll definitely try to stop in there next time! Thanks for the pointer, Paul!


I live  10 minutes from Great Lakes Hobby and begin to tell you ow much I love this place. They have been around longer than I can remember. They have one of the best selections of model kits I have ever seen in a hobby shop. Tom , the owner always keeps up with all of the new releases and if you’re looking for something he doesn’t have he will order it for you if at all possible. They also carry a very large selection of model paints including all of the popular Tamiya colors. If anyone is into military stuff they have an unbelievable selection available. I could go on forever lol — I would suggest if you live within a couple of hours of here you take a road trip and check them out  




Nice collection you picked up! I voted for the Eldorado as that's another one of my favorite cars of the '70's.......especially the convertible. I got a junker built up of this a while back at a show and it's one that will see the resto table somewhere along the line. You just don't see these anymore------real or model!

  • 2 weeks later...

Ray, Ed:

You guys weren't kidding! 

I stopped in at Great Lakes yesterday during a business trip to Novi. I was running really late and knew I'd end up fighting traffic, but I took the detour anyway. 

SO worth it!!

That shop is crammed! I'm going to have to go back when I have some time. I think Wheels and Wings in TO is about the only place I've seen with more kits, and there's a shop in Oakville that might be more diverse, but it's hard to say. It was certainly worth the trip, since I managed to snag one of the Takom G6 Rhinos. I'd wanted one since it came out, but it's too expensive up in Canada. However, GL had it for a great price, even with exchange! So, I bought myself an early B'day present and didn't even mind getting home later!

Thanks for the tip, guys!



i knew you would love Great Lakes Hobby. I’m very blessed to live just a few minutes from them. 

Before I retired I would go there window shopping and decided I would get back into the hobby after retirement. 

Seven years later and 80 + models I’m still going strong. I think I’m obsessed. lol. I even built a little shop in the basement strictly dedicated to model building. Most of my paints and supplies come from Great Lakes. 

Next time you’re in the area let me know maybe we can meet at the shop and have lunch. Heck you can even come over to my condo and see my collection. 



Hey Ray!

Yeah, living that close to them would be great, and dangerous! 

Only 80? Bah... I bought more than that last year, and that was the lowest year on record in the last 10 for me!!! :) You're still okay!

I have a modelling centre in my basement, too. It's a little oasis of styrene... love it.

I can never tell when I'm going to be there, but I appreciate the invitation! 


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