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Mack R on a DM600 chassis

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Instead of picking up where I left off with my Conforti Mack, I've decided to start a new project. My inspiration for this project is Dave Natale's RS700 early coast version...My original plan was to use the RS685ST as a donor kit.

After assembling the frame and bogie I decided against it. The DM600 chassis and bogie are much more suited for heavy hauling.


Basic frame assembly is complete (frame will need to be lengthened for steerable lift axle and possible winch) Lift axle not complete







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On 7/1/2019 at 11:09 PM, gatorincebu said:

Dennis ,

            Glad to see your are feeling well enough to get back to the bench ! 

You know I will be following this one closely ! Any chance you will breakout that big dozer and finish it ?


Be Well


Maybe someday...I have all the parts. Right now I''m in the mood to crank out a few Macks :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/15/2019 at 3:14 PM, dodgefever said:

Wow, that's a beast!   I wish Jamie would make some 24" Mack rims and tyres...  those AITM ones are a bit rudimentary in comparison.


1 hour ago, gotnitro? said:

Very stout looking truck, properly running big rubber and engine ! 


Thank you! :)

Edited by Tesla
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