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Posted (edited)

I started this Johan Mickey Thompson Titanium Pinto a couple of years ago, but I got sidetracked on another project and never finished it.  I finally picked it back up a few months ago and I'm calling it finished.  Paint on the body is Testors Candy Apple Red (I believe it is now called Transparent Red) over Testors Diamond Dust Lacquer with Wet Look clear applied after polishing.  Decals are from Slixx.  On a prior post I requested help because the decals from Slixx were shattering when introduced to water.  Thanks to Slixx for after speaking with them and explaining the issue I was having they sent me another set of decals and offered a couple of suggestions  which, coupled with the suggestions I got on my post allowed me to complete this model, FINALLY!  No, it's not perfect, and it is not highly detailed, but I'm happy with it!




Edited by sflam123
Spelling correction

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