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Hobby room lighting

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I've recently added this excellent light. It's very light, all LED. Bluetooth speakers. Hung mine with hanging plant brackets because 15" brackets are hard to find. About $75 dollars for the light and $10 more for the brackets. 




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1 hour ago, Miatatom said:

I use the $19.99 LEDs from Harbor Freight. 

Recently got some similar lights (probably) from Wal-Mart.  They're four-foot long LED lights, about $20 each.  My workshop is in the basement, with a lot of those old 4-foot fluorescent fixtures.

There's a huge difference in the light put out by the LED's vs the old fluorescents.  


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+1 on the Horror Fright/Wallaby Mart LED's.  I tried one on a whim, and now have 4 in my wood shop, 2 over the heavy bench in the garage, 2 over the junk  spare parts area in the garage, one over the lathe/mill in the basement, and 2 in the hobby room.  Thinking I may replace the motley assortment of leftovers in the laundry area with another one.

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I like that for general lighting but I needed something different for my lathe.  My old gooseneck magnifying light when out after 20 or so years of faithful service.  I tried a lot of LEDs lights and really found most of them to harsh and they really created a problem with shadows.  I found this one on Amazon and was truly blow away by it for the price. Being just of 30" long really meant that it put out a lot of light.  It is also adjustable for brightness and color of light from a cold blue to a very warm yellow.  I would buy one again for close in work if I needed it.  Nice well made piece. https://www.amazon.com/PHIVE-Architect-Bright-Drafting-Brightness/dp/B07MHH9Q7B/ref=pd_bap_rp_25?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=1XWTXNS5ZXS6Z5R9F72R

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