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This kit waited similarly long time on my shelfes like the Weinberger Cabrio. But now I have the „know how” to open what to open is. So I started with great elan. The assembly sequence had to be disarranged for the many fitting tests of the openable parts. And than came the Covid epidemy. Sitting at home and my workshop was 20 km far in the unheated summerhouse. I had to make the greatest change in this modeling work : painting by brush. The best solution seemed to use Revell Aquacolor paint. Finally I learned how to make the high-gloss paint job what nearest to the wet-candy quality.

Enjoy the pictures and any comment is welcome.












That is an impressive build of an impressive vehicle. You seem to have mastered the art of brush painting on this one- well done.


That is a beautiful build.  How did you brush paint it and get it to look so good?  Very impressive



Hi doorsovdoon and drodg,

thanks for the nice comments.

The paint job was a really challenge. After more experiment my solution is: forget the Gloss colors except the Clear one. I painted everywhere with Flat colors, more coats than sanded with 800. But forget the wet sanding only dry. That mean use open grain sandpaper and after a short use always clean the paper from paintdust by a hard brush. If necessary repeat flat coats. If OK 1 - 2 coats of Flat again and sanding with 1200. The final coats are Clear Gloss. More coat is better because you will need again sanding. If the surface rough sand with 800 than 1200. Finally polish it as fine you like it. (attached photo shows the body lower part sanded before clear coating)

2019.08.19. IMG_50031.jpg


Hi Bugatti Fan

thanks for the nice comment. I used the Revell Aquacolor paints. It is a waterborn paint easy to thin by water. (I found on Internet the advise to thin with vodka - good joke)

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