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Happy Left Handers Day?

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51 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Some of the smartest, best looking, most talented and skilled people I know are left-handed.    :D

I noticed back in high school that an unusually high percentage of my friends that I considered especially creative and/or quick-witted were left-handed. 

Question for you left-handers--are you also left-eyed? 

BTW, about 30 years ago I got interested in trying to learn how to shoot a pistol left-handed. This took a LOT of work and practice. It was months or years before the gun didn't feel like a completely foreign object in my left hand. Today I can shoot and operate my handguns left-handed, not quite as well as right-handed, but I'll bet better than most people can shoot a pistol right-handed. But I shoot better left-handed if I still use my right eye. B)

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13 minutes ago, Snake45 said:

I noticed back in high school that an unusually high percentage of my friends that I considered especially creative and/or quick-witted were left-handed. 

Question for you left-handers--are you also left-eyed? 

BTW, about 30 years ago I got interested in trying to learn how to shoot a pistol left-handed. This took a LOT of work and practice. It was months or years before the gun didn't feel like a completely foreign object in my left hand. Today I can shoot and operate my handguns left-handed, not quite as well as right-handed, but I'll bet better than most people can shoot a pistol right-handed. But I shoot better left-handed if I still use my right eye. B)

Snake, I am left eye dominate. and neither good looking or talented especially . LOL

Do have a strange thing when it comes to deciding best comfort while swinging golf clubs or baseball bats.

If I shoot it is only left handed for pistol, right shoulder for rifle.


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14 minutes ago, STYRENE-SURFER said:

Snake, I am left eye dominate. and neither good looking or talented especially . LOL

I assume since you started the thread that you're lefthanded. 

Didn't say my left-handed friends were good-looking (some were prototypical nerds and so forth), but that they were creative, artistic, and smart. 

But I would say that YOU are a VERY creative and talented modeler. I've seen your work. You're way more creative than me. B)

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16 minutes ago, Snake45 said:

I assume since you started the thread that you're lefthanded. 

Didn't say my left-handed friends were good-looking (some were prototypical nerds and so forth), but that they were creative, artistic, and smart. 

But I would say that YOU are a VERY creative and talented modeler. I've seen your work. You're way more creative than me. B)

Ha, no I was just continuing Bill's comment ?

And thank you so much for the props AND for your input on all things modeling here.?


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I was in my early twenties and got set up with a beautiful, tall blonde (through a mutual friend) that was left handed.  Had an absolute text book perfect first date.....until the kiss goodnight and we tilted our heads (didn't take into account lefties tilt left) resulted in a head butt.

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2 hours ago, HomerS said:

I was in my early twenties and got set up with a beautiful, tall blonde (through a mutual friend) that was left handed.  Had an absolute text book perfect first date.....until the kiss goodnight and we tilted our heads (didn't take into account lefties tilt left) resulted in a head butt.

Oh, that could be awkward.

2 hours ago, larman said:

Happy day to all of us in our "right minds". ?   I shoot left handed, both pistol and rifle, which is fun when using a right ejecting shotgun or rifle, lol! For some reason, I bat right handed.

For some reason I can't figure out my best batting side, perhaps they both suck.

1 hour ago, Scott Colmer said:

We leftys are still waiting for the mother ship to pick us up.

Got picked up a couple times, THEY were Lucky chances that introduced me into advertising...

(running E-6 photo developing for a huge department store studio). Dayton's if you're from

the Midwest.

THEN, a lucky break moving into CNC machining. Something that was outside my experience 

but (PROCESS) based. That I could rap my head around!

Sad thing these days is no one understands the abilitys of people other than paper documents.

Had so many arguments w/so called SMART folks that I could lose my head on this subject.

BTW, have worked in management, they didn't like my style. 

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13 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Some of the smartest, best looking, most talented and skilled people I know are left-handed.    :D

Well, thank you! I resemble that remark! (NOT)?

I shoot pistol left handed, but am right eyed. I shoot rifle and bat right handed, probably because nobody ever told me there was any other way. Throw a football lefty. I finally bought some left handed scissors after years of hurting my hand.

Have a happy day to the other members of the chosen few!

Left on!

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14 hours ago, HomerS said:

I was in my early twenties and got set up with a beautiful, tall blonde (through a mutual friend) that was left handed.  Had an absolute text book perfect first date.....until the kiss goodnight and we tilted our heads (didn't take into account lefties tilt left) resulted in a head butt.

WoW I bet that had to hurt.....????

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Back in the late '80s I took a couple shooting/self defense classes from a very respected trainer named Massad Ayoob (those of you in Gun World might be familiar with him or his work). In the advanced class we shot both handgun and shotgun from right and left barricade, which simulates shooting around the side of a wall or building, using it for cover. The idea is to expose as little of your body as possible, so you shoot with the hand that matches the side of the barricade you're on. I'd done this several times before with handgun, but never with shotgun. I didn't care for shooting the shotgun left-handed. Ayoob told us that he'd found that 20 to 25% of his right-handed shooters (police and citizen students) discovered that they actually fired the shotgun better from the left side, or preferred shooting it left-handed, and switched over to shooting it "normally" that way from then on. :blink:

Couple years later, in one of his monthly columns on eye dominance, he said that about 20-25% of people are cross-dominant, i.e., right-handed but left-eyed. Of course I immediately wondered if the guys who switched to shooting shotgun left-handed were cross-dominant, or if at least a high percentage of them were. Have never had a chance to ask him about that. 

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I was left handed up till Grade 1, when a bad arm break and complications left me in a cast most of the year. I learned to write with the right.

Funny, I can still write with both hands, but the right is much more legible. The left hand still writes like a Grade 1 student.

I paint with both hands, but am better with the left, hammer with both, but better with the right, slightly better motor skills with the right, but much stronger with the left.

I pick my nose with my left hand... but put my glasses on with the right.



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13 hours ago, restoman said:

I pick my nose with my left hand... but put my glasses on with the right

As I taught both my boys when they were young and in their car seats.....the pick-n-flick.  Sometimes your nose itches and when scratching you excavate a moon rock and need to dispose of it.....right out the car window (so long as the car is not in motion or it will come back in).  

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My best friend in grade school was left handed and I always had to sit to his right in the cafeteria because of his upturned elbow when he ate. Used to kid him when he wrote since he had to keep lifting his hand to see what he had written.

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23 hours ago, Snake45 said:

Back in the late '80s I took a couple shooting/self defense classes from a very respected trainer named Massad Ayoob (those of you in Gun World might be familiar with him or his work). In the advanced class we shot both handgun and shotgun from right and left barricade, which simulates shooting around the side of a wall or building, using it for cover. The idea is to expose as little of your body as possible, so you shoot with the hand that matches the side of the barricade you're on. I'd done this several times before with handgun, but never with shotgun. I didn't care for shooting the shotgun left-handed. Ayoob told us that he'd found that 20 to 25% of his right-handed shooters (police and citizen students) discovered that they actually fired the shotgun better from the left side, or preferred shooting it left-handed, and switched over to shooting it "normally" that way from then on. :blink:

Couple years later, in one of his monthly columns on eye dominance, he said that about 20-25% of people are cross-dominant, i.e., right-handed but left-eyed. Of course I immediately wondered if the guys who switched to shooting shotgun left-handed were cross-dominant, or if at least a high percentage of them were. Have never had a chance to ask him about that. 

Yep ! My left eye is more dominant than my right and I'm right handed.... I noticed that at the doctor's office on Thursday.....?

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My goodness. Look at all the lefties coming out of the woodwork. For some reason, I seem to have a lot of left-handed friends.

The nuns tried to make me write with my right hand. I wasn't having it. I learned to write right-handed, but switched back as soon as I could talk my way back into public school. Guess I know where I'm going after this life. I'll have to take some marshmallows.

I was forced to use my right hand for a bunch of things after I broke my left elbow. (don't do that) I'm right eye dominant which makes firearm selection much more straightforward. Just to make up for it, my son is left eye dominant.

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