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48' Loadking 3 axle drop nose lowboy trailer

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Hey all 

 Today was a lot of small tedious work. I mounted one side of the outriggers to the trailer frame. Cut the two long outrigger boards and I have all the deck boards cut and sized, but didn't get any pictures of those.

20210218_171641.jpgthis view shows the outriggers folded in.

20210218_171703.jpghis view shows them folded out.

20210218_171724.jpgthis view shows the outrigger board in place. I wish the outriggers were printed in the white detail plastic, because in the fine detail resin/plastic they are VERY!!!! brittle, and the whole weight of the excavator will be sitting on them.:omg: well that's it for now be back with more soon.

Ron G

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Hey all 

  I have the brakes fixed and plumbed. I also took some pictures of the trailer with the deck boards in place.

20210219_152311.jpgview from the side.

20210219_152228.jpgview of  the bottom. You can see the "tee" fittings that I added to the rear axle pivot brackets in order to connect the center brakes and the rear brakes to the air control valve.

20210219_152206.jpgview from the rear. This view shows how I added the Moluminum brake chambers to the ones I had on the axles already.

20210219_152056.jpgfront air control valve.

20210219_152030.jpgrear air control valve.

20210219_151955.jpgboth air tanks and connection pipe. I still need to add the supply and control lines.

20210219_152125.thumb.jpg.5074889cfe1234bd8a61fa566a734e37.jpgView from the top with the tires added.

20210219_153451.jpgthis view shows the deck boards in place.

20210219_153759.jpgthis view shows the deck boards and the outrigger boards added. Well that's it for now be back with more updates soon.

Ron G 

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Hey all 

  I started on the XL 42 PMB booster/stinger. Its a nitrogen charged hydraulic one. This allows you to adjust the ride height and load on the trailer.

20210221_180707.jpgthis view shows the booster/stinger and the mounting bracket that attaches it to the rear of the trailer.  I need to make the bracket that attaches to the lower pivot on the mounting bracket and the upper attachment point for the hydraulic cylinder, also it attaches to the pivot pin on the booster/stinger.

20210221_180732.jpgthis view shows the mounting bracket. I still need to add the attachment points to the trailer.

20210221_180751.jpgthis shows the mounting bracket from the top.

20210221_180818.jpgthis view shows the beginnings of the booster/stinger and the pivot pin at the front.

20210221_180852.jpgthis view shows the booster/stinger from the bottom and the pivot pins keeper pin. There's a lot of work that still needs to be done. I'm waiting on air suspensions for it from Moluminum. Well that's it for now be back soon with more.

Ron G 

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Hey guys 

  I now have the bracket that goes from the mounting bracket to the booster/stinger pivot point. I still need to create the cylinder,  nitrogen chamber and attachment mechanism.

20210222_173744.jpgthis view shows the rear of the trailer, mounting brackets and the  booster/stinger.

20210222_173826.jpgthis view shows the mounting bracket and the attachment point for the hydraulic cylinder.

20210222_174033.jpgtop view of the whole set up. Well that's it for now be back soon.

Ron G 

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Hey guys 

   I have the booster/stinger almost completely built, I'd say about 80%. I assembled everything temporarily together to see how it looks, and WOW!!!! It's Lloooonngg!!! :omg:So here are some pictures for you all to perose.

20210223_171138.jpgthis view shows the mounting bracket, the attachment/pivot bracket with the hydraulic cylinder and the booster/stinger.  I have to add tge power pack, hydraulic lines and nitrogen cylinder/tank.

20210223_171112.jpgsame thing from above.

20210223_170854.jpgthis view shows the whole set up, WOW! It's over 5' long!

20210223_170910.jpgthis view shows the Peterbilt 359 heavy haul tractor attached to the jeep

20210223_170933.jpgthis view shows the XL 80 JPS jeep attached to the trailer.

20210223_170950.jpgthis view shows the XL 130 HD drop nose RGN trailer with the Cat 374F L sitting on it. The outrigger boards and deck boards are in place.

20210223_171005.jpgthis view shows the rear of the trailer attached to the booster/stinger.

20210223_171024.jpgthis view shows the XL 42 PMB booster/stinger.


This view shows the whole thing from the rear looking forward. You can just see the driver waayy up there at the front...lol:rofl::construction: well that's it for now be back with more updates soon.

Ron G 

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Hey guys 

  Small update. I did some more work on the booster/stinger.

20210224_170042.jpgside view of the XL 42 PMB booster/stinger.  I drilled some lightning holes in it.

20210224_170209.jpgview looking down at the booster/stinger. You can see the nitrogen bag with mounting bracket I added, I also added a power pack, its under the cover with the handle, you can see the exhaust pipe for it sticking up and I added a nitrogen holding tank just above the hydraulic cylinder.

20210224_170259.jpgthis view shows the nitrogen bag, nitrogen tank and the power pack cover and exhaust.

20210224_170145.jpgview looking down at the nitrogen tank and power pack cover and exhaust. Now all I have to do is plumb the darn thing...lol. well that's it be back soon with more.

Ron G 

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Hey all 

Small update for you all.

20210226_162251.jpgthis view shows the support legs that I added to the booster/stinger and that I moved the nitrogen tank to the mounting bracket for the trailer. Also the frame braces between the tires.

20210226_162217.jpgthis view shows the support legs and crank mechanism. Well that's it, be back soon.

Ron G 

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Ron, I just found this thread and read through it all.  Crazy build, and will follow your progress from here.  I got back into building trucks this year....it's been a while.

Question for you, see you are on NX.  You are experienced for sure, did you work in a design studio previously?  

Did you print the frame rails and the details (other than shapeways buys) yourself or outsource them?  If so what material/Process for RP?

How detailed is the stepover on the parts for sanding?  I am curious on your comments on the part fidelity.  

Perhaps we know some of the same people in the Chrysler design studio, we did some work in the past together.

Make sure you bring this rig to McComb in November!

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