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It's been a while since my last update, and please don't take that as a bad sign. The new team has been as busy as all get out assembling the first new issue and leveraging content for it. Its looking good so far, and hopefully, we'll get it into print before too long.
We have noticed the announcement from "those other magazine guys" that they are shutting down their website and their discussion forums along with the now dead magazine. While we recognize that to be the end of an era, we're pleased to announce that plans are underway here at MCM to revamp our existing website and to not only continue, but expand, our popular Forums. These improvements will happen in parallel with the relaunch of the magazine, bringing our three services - magazine, website, and forums - into a unified brand offering you even more model car-related news and information than ever before.
I've personally gotten many emails and texts from many of you offering help with the relaunch of the magazine. First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your kind offer of assistance! Its comforting to know that we have so much support in this effort to bring you the best car modeling publication possible. And for those who have volunteered contributions or have inquired about writing for MCM, very soon we will be posting revised writer's guidelines both on the Forums and the website. These will also include specifications for submitting photography. Keep an eye out for these guidelines, and we look forward to many more new contributors to the pages of MCM.
That's about it for now. Keep the faith, friends, and as Matt of Scale Motorsport is fond of saying, "Live long, build 'em all!"

Thanks for the update Larry.  As always, looking forward to the return of MCM...  I need to see a model car magazine in my hands during these times of isolation.  The lack of magazines and Model Shows is getting very wearing on us all. 

1 hour ago, larrygre said:
It's been a while since my last update, and please don't take that as a bad sign. The new team has been as busy as all get out assembling the first new issue and leveraging content for it. Its looking good so far, and hopefully, we'll get it into print before too long.
We have noticed the announcement from "those other magazine guys" that they are shutting down their website and their discussion forums along with the now dead magazine. While we recognize that to be the end of an era, we're pleased to announce that plans are underway here at MCM to revamp our existing website and to not only continue, but expand, our popular Forums. These improvements will happen in parallel with the relaunch of the magazine, bringing our three services - magazine, website, and forums - into a unified brand offering you even more model car-related news and information than ever before.
I've personally gotten many emails and texts from many of you offering help with the relaunch of the magazine. First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your kind offer of assistance! Its comforting to know that we have so much support in this effort to bring you the best car modeling publication possible. And for those who have volunteered contributions or have inquired about writing for MCM, very soon we will be posting revised writer's guidelines both on the Forums and the website. These will also include specifications for submitting photography. Keep an eye out for these guidelines, and we look forward to many more new contributors to the pages of MCM.
That's about it for now. Keep the faith, friends, and as Matt of Scale Motorsport is fond of saying, "Live long, build 'em all!"   

My best wishes to you and Gregg on a successful relaunch. I will also look forward to seeing the writer's guidelines. I contributed in several aspects a decade and a half or so ago, and would be very happy to assist again. I hope that getting retail distribution again will be part of the plan.  Pōmaikaʻi!


So, still no answer to my question of "Gregg said he had several issues ready to go last year" but we get a bunch of talk about all the hard work that is going on? Why not print the issues that were already done and ready for print?

2 hours ago, mikemodeler said:

So, still no answer to my question of "Gregg said he had several issues ready to go last year" but we get a bunch of talk about all the hard work that is going on? Why not print the issues that were already done and ready for print?

For one, there is no obligation to answer the question. Why are you so concerned? Everyone else, while still anxious to see/hear when the magazine will start back up, is being patient. Not sure what your motives are here, as every so often you post about the magazine. It seems, at least to me, you like to keep the pot stirred up a bit. Didn't you mention in another post that you don't even have a subscription? I may have you confused with someone else though.

I for one would much rather a little more time be sent in the beginning to get things right for the long term success of the magazine than to rush a subpar product to market that leaves us disappointed.


9 hours ago, Xingu said:

For one, there is no obligation to answer the question. Why are you so concerned? Everyone else, while still anxious to see/hear when the magazine will start back up, is being patient. Not sure what your motives are here, as every so often you post about the magazine. It seems, at least to me, you like to keep the pot stirred up a bit. Didn't you mention in another post that you don't even have a subscription? I may have you confused with someone else though.

I for one would much rather a little more time be sent in the beginning to get things right for the long term success of the magazine than to rush a subpar product to market that leaves us disappointed.


I guess I am just curious as Gregg mentioned that he had several issues to print and has only printed the contest issue last year. With the demise of SA, I think I am like many others who are looking for a print magazine to fill the void. I do not have a subscription, I haven't for years, due to the erratic release of magazines but if somehow it can be back to a regular schedule I would consider it. 

You may consider it stirring the pot, I look at it as just asking a question about a previous statement made by someone affiliated with the magazine.

12 hours ago, Xingu said:

For one, there is no obligation to answer the question. Why are you so concerned? Everyone else, while still anxious to see/hear when the magazine will start back up, is being patient. Not sure what your motives are here, as every so often you post about the magazine. It seems, at least to me, you like to keep the pot stirred up a bit. Didn't you mention in another post that you don't even have a subscription? I may have you confused with someone else though.

I for one would much rather a little more time be sent in the beginning to get things right for the long term success of the magazine than to rush a subpar product to market that leaves us disappointed.


So far there have been two separate threads started by Larry Greenberg, two months apart, with nothing but cheerleading & vague references to what's purportedly going on in each thread. No specifics, no timeline, no facts or actual, useable information, merely vague promises. One would think after two months that some more concrete information & pertinent facts regarding this would be available & offered.

There are references to "the team", with no mention of who's on "the team", besides Larry Greenberg & Gregg, & that's a guess at best. It's obvious that neither you nor the other mod here are on "the team", as neither of you are any more in the loop as any other member here.

This "wait & see, biggest & best" attitude has been constantly propagated regarding the magazine for years, & there's been what, three issues published in the past three years? And there's supposed to be six issues a year. Given the track record & lack of info, you should be able to understand why many people remain skeptical.

27 minutes ago, StevieB said:

So far there have been two separate threads started by Larry Greenberg, two months apart, with nothing but cheerleading & vague references to what's purportedly going on in each thread. No specifics, no timeline, no facts or actual, useable information, merely vague promises. One would think after two months that some more concrete information & pertinent facts regarding this would be available & offered.

There are references to "the team", with no mention of who's on "the team", besides Larry Greenberg & Gregg, & that's a guess at best. It's obvious that neither you nor the other mod here are on "the team", as neither of you are any more in the loop as any other member here.

This "wait & see, biggest & best" attitude has been constantly propagated regarding the magazine for years, & there's been what, three issues published in the past three years? And there's supposed to be six issues a year. Given the track record & lack of info, you should be able to understand why many people remain skeptical.

Isn't it better to wait and get something you want to actually read, than something rushed and hashed together like a school kids homework? I know which I would prefer


Although Gregg may have had a couple of issues ready by his own admission he was struggling with the graphic layout. Now that he hss a graphic artist on board I'm sure that revisions are being made to content and layout. In addition the lifetime subscription fell short of goal and the gofundme push did not succeed. A major hurdle at this point is funding.

When there's more news we will here it.

1 hour ago, stitchdup said:

Isn't it better to wait and get something you want to actually read, than something rushed and hashed together like a school kids homework? I know which I would prefer

I didn't mention that at any point in my post. I was commenting on the lack of a timeline, the lack of concrete info as to where they stood right now, the lack of knowing who's doing what at this point, ("the team" as a vague reference notwithstanding), & so forth. Right now all we have to go on is vague & indistinct cheerleading about what's coming at some indefinite & undetermined point down the road. After two months, since Larry is the associate editor, one would think that more solid info would be forthcoming, since he should know where they stand in regards to getting MCM going again. The post he made in this thread is little different than the post he made in the prior thread. Lot's of "Wait & See!" & "Soon!", nothing of substance.

52 minutes ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

Although Gregg may have had a couple of issues ready by his own admission he was struggling with the graphic layout. Now that he hss a graphic artist on board I'm sure that revisions are being made to content and layout. In addition the lifetime subscription fell short of goal and the gofundme push did not succeed. A major hurdle at this point is funding.

When there's more news we will here it.

If funding is a major hurdle, then that needs to be addressed, & these useless puff piece & cheerleading threads halted. Vague allusions to things are not a sign of any real progress.


My point in all of this is this. Gregg, Larry or anyone else associated with MCM have any obligation to provide updates, timelines, employee roster or any information whatsoever. It is nice to know that Larry has stepped up to help Gregg with the magazine. It is nice to know that a relaunch is in the works. It is nice to know any little tidbit of information that we get. That does not mean we get to demand, or at least continually ask for, answers. Very few, if any, of us need to know any detail of what is going on with the magazine. So this is taking longer than some of you expect, what do you base your expectations on? I for one have never tried to publish a magazine. I have never had to reach out to advertisers that may be leery of advertising in MCM because of past history. I have never done graphic layout. I have no idea how long it takes to do anything with a magazine. I do understand that most magazines have 3 or done (or close to done) at all times. So maybe that means 3 or 4 issues of MCM needs to be ready to go before the relaunch. Who knows.

I don't care about the funding, the graphic layout, how many pages, is Gregg using a black background for photos, how many issues or any of that stuff. I, like most have no control or input over any of that. I will just wait and see what happens.

Some here are hopeful that the magazine gets up and running again. Some here hope it fails, for their own personal reasons. Some could care less one way or the other and are waiting to see what happens. I am waiting to see what happens.


On a different note. Signature violations, no matter what language they are in can lead lead to punishment up to permanent removal from this board. I have noted a few members here trying to sneak things past us recently.


I am definitely in the wait and see camp. I can see both sides, the angry, frustrated group and the hopeful group. I’m in the hopeful group. Let’s remember that most anger is actually fear... so what are you afraid of? I wish Gregg,  Larry and the team, whomever they are well. I really look forward to seeing more MCM issues. It’s a hobby, this is supposed to fun remember...


To address Mike's question -- The content in any existing layouts has gone stale, and needs a lot of updating. There are kit reviews, new products, and ads that all need to be placed with their current content. Plus, the pandemic has influenced our editorial direction. This often causes major layout changes, and that layout takes a lot of effort to do it right. 

We've also been putting a lot of effort into building the kind of infrastructure and processes that will allow our squad to work across 6 time zones. All things considered, we're making good progress, but these things have to get done right. It's a case of choose your ruts carefully, you're going to be in them for a while. 


Thanks Dave, gives a bit more clarity to what is happening and answers my (and probably many others) questions on what is happening. Long road for sure, hope to see something soon.


Thats great news i really need to have the paper in my hands when i am in my work shop building and i need the web site in the morning when i am having my coffee.!!!


Thanks Dave, for the update.  Like Steve H above, I can see two sides to this. 

I don't see any of those associated with producing MCM becoming millionaires anytime soon.  They are just guys like you and me trying to earn a living.  Gregg has been dealt a particularly challenging deck of cards what with vehicle accidents, multiple surgeries, changes to billing arrangements with printers, caring for seriously ill relatives etc. Don't even mention COVID 19.  I'm sure he is wondering what comes next, and hoping it is only good things.  I certainly wouldn't want to be in his shoes at the moment.

On the other hand, people have entered into a contract for services to be provided for varying amounts of money.  The money has been paid but the  magazine has not been delivered on time or anywhere near it.  So they have every right to be concerned about this, about the potential loss of their subscription monies, and want to know a bit more about what is happening.  Any current affairs show on your local TV will have plenty of similar examples of companies failing to deliver on their promises. Any improvement in communications ( because without Larry and Dave's posts, there hasn't been much and they haven't been able to give any sort of timeline) would, I believe, go a long way to allaying their fears.

I am extremely appreciative that in all the turmoil, the forum continues to exist and obviously Gregg hasn't given up on that. And at least with MCM, the quality never deteriorated, just the actual delivery!  Sadly I couldn't say the same for other magazines, where I was buying maybe two a year when I felt there was enough of interest to justify the expense - American magazines in Australia run around $20 a copy on average.  I don't think MCM has ever had a dud - I read every one cover to cover multiple times. 

I remain hopeful - good luck everyone, and anytime you can give us an update with a few specifics, it would be greatly appreciated.




It is a tough time to be trying to get a magazine up and running again with a number of hurdles to overcome, so I can only wish Larry Greenberg the best in taking on this venture.

There has been no mention of a publishing company being approached or taken on board in all this. Normally, such an outfit has the resources, especially with the print and distribution side to push a magazine to both subscribers and over the counter sellers. Editing and layout are enough, without all the commercial print, distribution and financing being a big ask for such a small band of people to take on.

Also, let us not forget the financial risk they are taking on as individuals unless a limited liability company has been set up for this purpose.

Kalmbach, a long established magazine publisher has recently dropped the Scale Auto Magazine for what I guess must be a commercial decision within their organisation. Naturally, this leaves a slot in the market that MCM can quickly take advantage of provided it can be got to market quite soon. My own feeling is that it is time for an established publishing company to be got on board in order to achieve this.


The problem with posting updates that include goals, deadlines and progress markers is that if they are missed or unforeseen obstacles create minor setbacks, it just creates more unconstructive backlash. Let the men work.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

So, this was posted two days ago on a hobby shop's FB page:

I had a chat with the folks at Model Cars magazine. The next issue is at the printer and we should have it late this month or early next. That is good news. Model Cars is looking for authors to write articles for the magazine. Photos are a key consideration as to whether or not an article is accepted. Very high resolution so that the editor can zoom in on a picture for publication.

And yet, not a mention of that in this thread, or on MCM's website, or on their FB page.

Is there anyone here actually involved with this that really knows what's going on? A lot of vague "Rah! Rah!" cheerleading posts, with no factual info, (& I'm not talking set deadlines, but just some solid information), a lot of promises with no substance, & nothing else anywhere online that's a part of the mag. It's ridiculous that the core of the magazine's fans, who are on this very forum, are being kept in the dark. 

Edited by StevieB
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