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This is a very special piece I painted for a good friend of mine. Joe is all about everything H.P. Lovecraft. The guy even looks like Lovercraft. He even lives in Providence RI for pete's sake! I play D&D at the comic store with friends twice a month and Joe is a great friend from that gathering. He is a great friend of us all at the shop and is also a bit of a high roller in the financial world. Joe keeps his eyes on Kickstarter and found this game that was being developed there based on Lovecraft lore and bought in. He went all the way and got this piece which really is the centerpiece for the entire thing. As you can see in the pictures this is not a MINI per se. But it is to scale as mini's do interact with it in game and that is how big Cthulu is. The price was high and my understanding is not many were produced but this thing is MASSIVE. It arrived late last year and I had a clean slate other than personal projects so I dove right in. Every technique I know has been employed on this behemoth. Airbrush fades, dry brushing, shades and washes. I went through a LOT of paint on this and Joe also bought paints i directed him to so I could complete it as you see here. It's also the first time I tried dynamic lighting for the two columns. There is an effect under the hands to show the glow of the magic infused runes on the columns as well as the columns themselves.  So here is Cthulu who drives men mad at his very presence and wreaks havok across the globe. I hope you find it interesting.






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The lighting effect on the runes is very nicely done. Overall the color shifts seem seamless. There's ton of details you don't see at first glance. Looking at it for the third or fourth time I see new details.

The one thing you failed to mention is just how big is this behemoth?

Very impressive artwork.

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