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B.R.B.O. 2021 MACK H63

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mesurement for total length and where the points for the wheelbase are and cut it

have take the longest overal length and wheelbase



and just for the looks


now look for a curbside ore a total engine

and make the good adjustments for the wheelbase


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Brian i am stil thinkin to do a curbside ore tilt

have several engine,s in the stash , also a couple of mack engine,s

so i am also lookin for good pictures how its looks when the cab is tilt

thank guy,s for the comments , i have fun now to make this on , THE TRILL IS BACK !!!


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3 hours ago, jacobus said:

Brian i am stil thinkin to do a curbside ore tilt

have several engine,s in the stash , also a couple of mack engine,s

so i am also lookin for good pictures how its looks when the cab is tilt

thank guy,s for the comments , i have fun now to make this on , THE TRILL IS BACK !!!


I have some pictures of an H-67 tilted. It is probably very similar.

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  • 2 months later...

finaly i go on whit this mack , mesurement the right wheelbase and make a dryfit



now i must take a choice of a curbside engine ore a endt  673 , stil lookin for the right info for a good number of the engine , i think the endt 673 is right


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

i am stil workin on the mack

first  i look at the rims and with a dril and knife i have very carefull remove the flash  [ you can see on the picture ]



so if you paint the rim you can see the back of the wheel like it is


i have been  [ for a while ] on the hunt and search for resin cab,s fro old european truck,s that was here in the netherland,s and germany and so

the where very hard to find because the where make in very smal numbers

like KRUPP with a cummins engine [ build in germany under licence ] and BUSSING with the unterflur engiene

i must say i ended up in germany by a men how make the engine,s , and by my suprice i found also there some resincab,s


so know you know why it bin so long before i workin on the MACK , now i am home to work on this old girl with fun







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