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1/32nd Mack RS700L.

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Hi, Firstly thanks for the comments on the Mack Valuliner very kind. Built a few years ago, This Mack needs no introduction as it`s been built many times, This is my only 1/32nd scale i have built I made a new frame , altered the hood, added a bull bar, & lots of other mods. The wheels are made from buttons, decals are homemade the bull dog carved to resemble the duck, The trailer is scratchbuilt A wooden framework covered in plastic card, The figure of Martin Penwald - aka the rubber duck- is a military figure converted.



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Beautiful replica of a famous rig.

I've contemplated my own for some time now, but was stumped for a proper trailer - and the duck needs to have a trailer, right?

Thanks to your solution, I now have an idea for a basis of one. Solid wood, shaped and covered with some sort of sheet material. Brilliant!

Come to think of it, the truck from "Duel" could be done the same way.

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