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hi everyone !?

this is my FUJIMI 1/24 FERRARI 288GTO.

build it almost out of box,just add some detail parts ..the kit is aged, but I think the shape is quite well, and no fitting issue..

a easy kit to build!

hope you guys like it!!?

















and here is the video build if you are interested..?





Edited by doubleyoung2003
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Beautiful model, excellent build video. The work I fear the most is always the masking for the second colour, I live in fear that some how paint will leak under no matter how hard I try. Any Ferrari or sports car fan would be proud to have this built on their display shelf. Well done!

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22 hours ago, Zippi said:

Really good looking build.  That red is super clean.


22 hours ago, 4mula1fan said:

Nice job on my favorite Ferrari! 


20 hours ago, Nacho Z said:



15 hours ago, 1959scudetto said:

Beautiful Build, Lin - super smooth glossy paint !


13 hours ago, ChrisR said:

Looks awesome!


13 hours ago, grodudulle77 said:

Your paint job is very awesome !!??


11 hours ago, Gramps46 said:

Impressive build. Thanks for sharing it with us.


9 hours ago, Rich Chernosky said:

One of the slickest Ferrari's ever.  Your model represents it well. 


9 hours ago, cobraman said:

Very nice model, great paint.


6 hours ago, Hi-Po said:

Simply beautiful!  Nice clean build and your paint job is flawless.  I like it.

thank you my friend!!??

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22 hours ago, Roger U said:

A beautiful model, very cleanly built and painted..

Thank you for posting the video showing the work involved.


18 hours ago, Venom said:

Hi Lin, I just ordered this very same kit off eBay ... it is such an incredible car in real life. 

As always, you have done another beautiful, super clean build. Thanks for sharing!


4 hours ago, e30lover said:

Fantastic build! I also have this kit and looking forward to build one soon. Opening up the vents and PE wipers really add a nice touch!

thank you very much!! I think this kit is much easier than the 246 GT...this kit include some engine parts,but the instruction didn't mention it...so I pass it.....?

have fun !!?



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23 hours ago, Dragonhawk1066 said:

Nice, clean looking build with a nice paint job!


16 hours ago, Dominik said:

B E A U T I F U L ! love it. that 288 GTO is imo the best looking Ferrari of all time. Your build is superb


10 hours ago, stinkybritches said:

Beautiful build of a beautiful car. 

thank you very much!!?

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9 hours ago, Intmd8r said:

I literally just received my 288GTO kit in the mail last week.

Thanks for sharing the pics and video - it is inspiring me to get min built next.

Any particular reason why you decided not to include the engine?

Hi,this kit dose include some engine parts,but the instruction didn't mention it.I think maybe there are issues about the engine parts.?

I know nothing about engine..and I'm not a fan of engines either..... so I pass it!!?

anyway,Except for the issue of quarter window,this  kit is easy to build...have fun ,enjoy it!!?


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