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Motor's Manuals

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My Dad passed away last week. He was 99. Most of his life he was employed in the forestry industry, first working in his dad's sawmill operation and later his own logging outfit. He was also a shade tree mechanic, always working on some type of vehicle from large trucks to lawnmowers. Friends, family and others would always come to him when they needed any repairs, rebuilds, etc. I remember he had a bunch of Chilton's and Motor's repair manuals. Going through some of his stuff I found these. They are in fairly good shape except for a old musky book smell. The truck manual seems to be from 1968. 





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What a neat time capsule. 😁

The Shell Station I worked at in 1972-75 had an interchange manual. I found out 2000cc Pinto distributor points worked just fine in a 1600cc VW dual port. That helped out when my girlfriend's bug died late on a Sunday afternoon a long way from home, but only a block from a gas station.

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I would save those for ever. I also have a few dating from the late '50's thru the mid '60's. These are from a time when I was using them on almost a daily basis and they were invaluable for torque specs and clearances on almost any part of a car or truck. You may not use them now, but remember a lots of the information in these is accurate and a lot can be learned if working on some repair you're not performing on a daily bases. 

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