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Tried to lay on some decals for this funny car build and am having nothing but problems trying to get these to lay down. Have tried the Micro set & sol and it's still not cooperating. Any other ideas or am I past the part of no return?

Still would like to save the body since it has a nice paint job on it. I am afraid to put on the large side decals at this point thinking that I'll have the same problem.



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While I don't think this is your inter problem, one thing that comes to mind is that some air is getting trapped because of the size of the decal. On the edges where there seems to be folds in the decal and will not lay down sometimes just a very small cut will relieve the tension in the edge of the decal and it will lay down. This may cause some overlap at the sight of the cut. Another thing to try is to use a pin and make a hole just big enough to let the trapped air out. This should let that area then lay down. In the picture it looks as if there is the outline for an opening under the decal and this would trap air as well. Consider making a few pin pricks in this outline so that the decal can conform to the shape. Before the decal completely dries but is pretty much set where it's going to be, use a new #11 blade to cut the decal so that it will settle down into the groove much like if you were going across a door opening. Solvent setting solutions should let the edge of your cut conform to the shape.    

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1 hour ago, Zen said:

Do have some Mr. Hobby stuff. They have 2 kinds, which one would you use first?

Mr.Setter is used first and after it's dried you use Mr. softer.   Softer is really good for getting the decal around curves etc like your hood decal, but you really need to get the air out.  Use mr setter and than with a cotton swap or whatever you use gently roll over the problem areas getting any moister trapped underneath out.  Don't do too much just take your time and apply more setter as needed.  Apply, (wait about a min or so) gently roll, dry, and repeat.  

The micro mark stuff is good, but when you got older thick decals you have to get the big boys out.  Mr. hobby setter and Softer can destroy decals too, but mainly the more touchy decals that are new and fresh not so thick.  Solvaset is probably just as strong if not stronger than the Mr.hobby.   Honestly if you wouldn't of said they were decals i would of thought they were really bad stickers lol.  No offense, but those happen to be the worse decals I've ever seen lol.  Guessing because of the 90's you said?

Also I' am not EXPERT at all just making suggestion trying to help a fellow member out :)

Edited by Dpate
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  • 4 weeks later...

You mention that these decals are (to paraphrase) "Old 90's decals". If they're 1990's Monogram decals, they're not compatible with setting solutions -- says so on the front page of the instruction sheet. I had a similar problem back then with the c.1996 issue of the 1970 SS-454 Chevelle... Then I re-read the instruction sheet, and sure as 'hit : "Decals Are NOT Compatible with Decal Setting Solutions" . 

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