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A pair of bugs (a dirt bug and a dirty bug )

happy grumpy

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Build from the nice Revell kit, the rusty one is stock while the off road is having big wheels from the part box and a dual custom pipe exhaust made of solder and turned aluminum. The fender arches were enlarged to fit the wheels. No other mods were made. The rusty one was my early experimentation to an advance rusted but still drivable bug.

thanks for looking

Beetle 01.jpg

Beetle 02.jpg

Rust 01.jpg

Rust 03.jpg

Rust 04.jpg

rust 05.jpg

vw 02.jpg

vw 03.jpg

vw 04.jpg

vw 05.jpg

vw 06.jpg

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The rusted Bug looks real crusty and I'm surprised the floor pan is still there. Very well done. The Off-Road Bug hits my hot button being a former Baja Bug owner. This is very realistic looking, and I remember seeing a few done in just this manor in the past. 

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4 hours ago, TooOld said:

Those are a couple of very well built Bugs , really like the Off-Road one !  And probably the most realistic photography I've ever seen !  Any tips for us laymen ?

Bob, i use a canon T3 rebel SLR camera. The lens is a typical 28-300 mm. I have no special skill, I just try to find with right distance, right angle, and focal length and what looks right. I also shoot with a tripod and trigger the shutter via a computer to adjust the settings manually. I also take several pictures which I combine later to augment the depth of field. You can also achieve quite good results with a simple point and shoot camera. I did a lot of trial and error but once you find what works for you, it becomes easier although a little time consuming. 

hope this helps.

And thanks to everyone for you kind comments. 

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Thank you all for your nice comments. It is indeed a great compliment when seasoned modellers think that a model is real at first glance, of course as modellers we can spot telltales of a model vs a real car. I sometimes on this forum have the same initial reflex of wondering"jeez is this the real thing?'' Then you look for hints for things that don't really scale down. I get the giggles at work though , my wallpapers are a slideshow of my models and a lot of people get tricked into thinking than these are real cars. I get a kick when I tell them it's a model.

It's a little time consuming but I found that photographing my models has become another side of a hobby that I enjoyed for a good part of my life. I also get a lot of inspiration from you guys and I really do appreciate it.

happy modeling to you all.

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