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159BFB3A-7897-4E2D-8DC1-B9FD6F0F1874.thumb.jpeg.a49c7636c5f34c611fd014d5ec965feb.jpeg3A551111-1B95-42F2-BCD3-EFDFD293843C.thumb.jpeg.b651d39a86504b918f27c87217238840.jpegMy kids gave this to me for Father’s Day last year. Here is my take on a 55 Chevy Cameo p/u. Fun kit to build. I used Scale Finishes gloss enamel India Ivory with Gypsy Red ( aka. Chevy Engine red or Gypsy Orange). I was shooting for more red, but trying to use a GM color, this what was offered, so I ran with it. Came out well and nice contrast with the India ivory. Really like the scale finishes paint, the gloss enamel eliminates the need to clear coat and easy to work with for a newbie like me(#11 for 2021). I wasn’t going for super shiny wet look, just a good shine after waxing. Used a photo etch detail kit for interior, bed trim and exterior trim from model garage, wired dist and engine detail from Morgan auto detail. Cut out the grill with dremel, as original was cheesy looking. The interior is very basic, but came out really well splitting the white/orange. Pics don’t do justice unfortunately. Got a decal for speedo and radio from best model parts on eBay.   Built out of box besides. Really came to appreciate the beauty in simple lines and some chrome. Looking forward to doing a few more 50’s cars and trucks. Anyway, hope you enjoy and hope I post this correctly. Happy modeling all, I’m going back to the bench to START a 72 GTO. 



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Beautifully done! I think These are the best looking trucks (nicer than Fords of that era) ever made, and you did them justice.?


Agreed! Very nice appearing model, I especially appreciate that detailed engine bay. A Cameo to be proud of. Well done.


Nice looking 55 Cameo.  Great detail work.  I like the white.  I started this kit some months back and didn't like the color choice I made so it went into the purple pond.  Never got back after it.  Fantastic looking build.  


Beautiful looking finishes and opening up the grill adds so much to the appearance of the front end. 

On 1/11/2022 at 7:54 PM, NOBLNG said:

Beautifully done! I think These are the best looking trucks (nicer than Fords of that era) ever made, and you did them justice.?

Thanks appreciate it. I want to do a f100 to see the comparison. The cameo grew on me looking at it for a few weeks and love the classic lines. 

On 1/11/2022 at 8:10 PM, TransAmMike said:

Very nice work Marc. The exterior paint is a darn good likeness of an original paint job. ☝️

Thank you. Was going for this but as I said, newbie didn’t realize it was more orange. All good in the end.


On 1/11/2022 at 8:13 PM, Lobo2me said:

Nice job Marc. Really like the color combo and the engine bay detail is the bomb.

Thanks, appreciate it

23 hours ago, bisc63 said:

Agreed! Very nice appearing model, I especially appreciate that detailed engine bay. A Cameo to be proud of. Well done.

Appreciate the kind words. Fun to build

13 hours ago, David G. said:

I've always liked the style of the '55 Chevy Pickups.

Your paint and building skills have brought out its best elements.

David G.

Thanks a lot. Not bad for my 6th auto model ever, happy with my progress

9 hours ago, espo said:

Beautiful looking finishes and opening up the grill adds so much to the appearance of the front end. 

Thanks, was a little scary using the dremel, but went slow and results show. Looks much more realistic. My 84 yr old father saw a picture today and asked where was it located for sale, lol. Told him my display cabinet, lol


4 hours ago, shoopdog said:

Very nice Marc!

Curious if you had the glass fitment issue and how you dealt with it.

Jim,thanks. Yes I had some small gaps in the corners of windshield, top & bottom. They were not huge, but spaces none the less. The glass is kind of flexible, I masked and painted the trim, then applied with decent pressure and it made it better. I painted the sun visor when I did the trim, but was undecided about attaching or not. I added the visor, cuz I thought it was kind of blingy for a 55 to have that color (sporty) visor. But mostly, it hid the spaces in the top of the windshield. The back glass fit like a glove, snapped into place snug and tight. Thanks again, have a good one

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