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This is the MPC Godzilla kit built as a Civilian unit. It’s a fun little kit although not highly detailed….so I added some of my own.? The winch is from Olsen Bros. and the color is Mr. Hobby Russet. Thanks for looking. All comments appreciated.

Build thread here:  http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/167864-jeep-cj-2a/?tab=comments#comment-2520527












Edited by NOBLNG
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It looks sharp.

A buddy back in the Eighties had one that looked something like this at his father farm. It had been painted in a Primer Red, and then been left to sit outside for many years. Faded paint, rotting seat covers, weathered, grey tires, it was a complete POS.

We were visiting his parents cabin, and he asked me if I'd like to go up to the lake to look around. I said yes, and he goes over to this ragged looking Jeep, and starts it up. It looked like it had not moved in years, but it ran and we went up the mountain to the lake. The seats were all springs and rotted canvas, and the whole thing stank and smoked, yet the 30 year old jeep chugged right up the trail to the lake. When we got back, he did not even throw a tarp over it! Just left it, were it had been sitting. It is probably still sitting there today...

Anyhow, I saw you build and it instantly brought me back to that day, and that Jeep. Your build reminds me of what that little, red, rusty Jeep must have looked like when they first painted it, back in the day.

Thanks for bringing me back to a long forgotten, but special memory!

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On 1/25/2022 at 1:48 PM, Mike C. said:

Really nice. I like the chains on the tailgate. ?

Thank Mike! I think real chains are a must, even if the gate won’t open, it just looks better IMO.

On 1/26/2022 at 4:21 PM, PappyD340 said:

Very nice Jeep!

Thanks Larry!

7 hours ago, spencer1984 said:

Excellent job on this, you've really elevated a so-so kit. I especially like the stamped Willys on the hood and windshield, that's a great touch.

Thanks Bill! It’s too bad they didn’t supply an extra hood, windshield frame and tailgate with the Willys emblems molded in instead of all the surrey junk.? 

6 hours ago, Gramps46 said:

As a long time Jeep person I am really enjoying seeing your build.  Well done.

Thanks Gary! I enjoyed building it.

1 hour ago, DRIPTROIT 71 said:

Very nice Jeep! Excellent work on this one for sure!

Thanks Brian!

Edited by NOBLNG
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