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This is my first attempt at a camouflage paint scheme and I did it entirely with rattle cans using poster putty and Silly Putty for the main masking material and Tamiya tape for some details. I found a single online reference that indicated that this paint scheme was within the realm of possibility, so I sized that reference art to scale and used it as a painting guide.  It’s pretty much out of the box, but I did scratch build a simple hinge for the hatch behind the turret machine gun and fabricated some detail for that hatch cover interior from Evergreen plastic.  I replaced the kit antenna with wire mounted in a base I made from brass tubing. The headlight lens was from the spares box. This was my first attempt at painting any kind of figure and I don’t consider the little feller finished, but I put him in a few photos anyway. I used some dry transfers to add some interest to the fuel drums (“P” for petrol).

Overall, I’m pleased. Someday I may even get around to putting in the “correct” track sag and attempt some weathering on it.


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