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Yours is not to reason why, but to shut up and do what you're told by a class of people who can't drive a nail into a board without putting themselves in the hospital, and destroying the nail, the board, and the hammer (and it takes a very special kind of stupid to break a hammer).

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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Unsolvable is what on some days I begin to think the world's ills are, as there just don't seem to be enough highly intelligent, rational folks left to keep things going much longer; ala Idiocracy, stupid is the new smart, and if you pay attention, you'll see it everywhere.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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"Imagination" and "sustainable" can mean many different things; considering the USA has between 200 to almost 500 years worth of recoverable coal reserves, and the technology exists to remove everything harmful from a coal-burning powerplant's exhaust and REUSE it in a carbon-neutral cycle, it's beyond idiotic to be rushing headlong into a forced reliance on solar and wind power generation.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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