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Engine design is being increasingly done by people who shouldn't be designing cardboard bird houses, and "wet timing belts" that run in a bath of hot, solvent engine oil that tends to dissolve them, and then clog oil pickups with rubber particles (leading to catastrophic engine failure) are all the proof anyone needs of monkey-see-monkey-do incompetence on a global scale.

Uranus Wiper prove Infinite Monkey Theory False!

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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scale of incompetence in engine design coupled with the American consumer being completely ignorant and unwilling to have proper maintenance performed per the maintenance schedule is what led me to have a BUNCH of cars with destroyed interference engines due to timing belt failures abandoned at my shop

Edited by Tim W. SoCal
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Shop prices for replacing engine timing belts at the required interval often exceed the value of older vehicles, which is why lowballers drive perfectly good vehicles to engine destruction, and they end up as scrap (at which point the lowballer has to pay way more for another car to destroy than it would have cost to keep the first one running indefinitely); PT Cruisers and Neons are among the kinda cool cars disappearing due to this.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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Dinosaurs like me will all be extinct in not that much longer, so all the little fellas who can't do anything without an app can fix everything that they perceive to be wrong with civilization soon enough.

                                 Cell Signal in a Dead Zone ...

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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