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These are built by my son, age 10,5 now.  Body paint is done by me as I don't let him use the airbrush and thinners yet. White colors are basic spray can paints and red is Revells Ferrari Red painted with air brush.

55 Cameo was built almost three years ago. It is out of the box with opened grille. Hardest part was to build the bed.

Willys is done about a year ago and is otherwise from the box but with the 392 Hemi from Amt 53 Stude. Fitment of the flip front was pretty hard for the kid builder and is still pretty terrible even with the efforts to get it ligned with the body.

Kimmo& Henri (the builder)







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Nice looking models. I had my son building models at a young age too except he was a little older. Felt like it gave him some education having to follow instructions and figure out the right and wrong way to put something together. Your son might stick with it or not but good for you and your son doing this together.

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