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Red Leader T65 X-Wing Fighter

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  And this one is DONE!

First of all, I'm very happy because as of February 20th, I have finished the same number of models I did in the whole year 2022!  This is my third completion of the year. 

This was really a fun project, not a serious one. Not sure if I may have gone a bit overboard with the weathering but in the movie it was really filthy when it was destroyed by none other than Darth Vader himself in his Tie Advance X1 (My first completion of this year).
There is no such thing as an "accurate" model of a Star Wars space ship as the movies themselves relied of models way back before CGI. But they had multiples and those were not consistent.  It drove me nuts finding error after error in the movie as I was analyzing it. But you are not supposed to stop it and analyze frame by frame back and forth. Still, the Battle of Yavin is for me the best scene in the history of films BAR NONE.

  Anyways, This was a re-issued MPC 1/63 X-Wing. A pretty crude model even in its day that was intended more for play than for display.
I converted this from Luke's ship (Red 5) to Squadron Leader (Red 1).  The insignia in the wings reflect the change (1 stripe instead of 5) and the R2-D2 was blown away... ehh I mean replaced by a machined and scratchbuilt R5 astromech unit. The weathering is as per Red Leader at the moment of his demise...

First, the pic having fun with Photoshop, then the others.















And I can't resist been myself so I did this:

Hope you like it. 
What do you think?
Now back to more serious projects.


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Looks great and weathering is bang on!

Having built the BanDai X-wing I did a pile of movie clip viewing and determined it was almost impossible to over weather these things. The scenes in the hanger on Hoth showed all the space craft were very weathered but the X-Wings were by far the worst. Being an atmosphere as well as space going ship you would expect them to be dirty. Not like the Rebel Alliance pilots were sitting around polishing their craft with cans of Turtle wax that they picked up from the Walmart on Naboo!

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