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Well heres Black Widow finished.It started out as a gift from ledsled merc and got its name from the actual (young)black widow spider that was next to it on its paint day.







A special shout out goes to the homie Led Sled merc thanks for the kit.And now for everyone else thanks for following this build and thanks for the good words towards it.

P.S. if you want to see the build up of this one check out my "projects for the NNL west'Topic

Good looking Caddy

What colors did you use ??

don v


Colors from primer to clear coat.

Brillant silver(krylon),Metalspecks silver(duplicolor),Metallic red(krylon),Flat black(duplicolor engine enamels),High gloss clear(duplicolor).


Sweet ride! Cadillacs, to me, have always been the best lowriders. All the others range from good to awesome but Caddies are just a class of lowrider all their own. I likey! B):angry:

Looking forward to seeing this at the NNL. B)

Are you hitching a ride with Anthony?

As of yet it is unknown my folks might take me but if they don't i'll hit him up come hell or high water im still going even if it is in a boat LOL.

As for the rest of you thanks for the good words.

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