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Only a Modeler Can Appreciate This


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Since my stroke and mitral valve replacement last year, I've been on blood thinner (Warfarin). I have to get my blood tested every four weeks for something called INR, whatever that is. Shortly after every INR test I get a call from a Nurse Practitioner who tells me what the number is and (almost always) that it's good. This week the call came from a stranger (my regular NP is out for some reason), telling me my number is low. We discuss this and what to do about it. She says she'll have to get back to me. She doesn't. BUT....

Next morning (yesterday) first thing, the phone rings. It's a complete stranger, a man I've never met, but I recognize the last name as the same as my childhood family physician. He (my childhood doctor—for this story, let's call him D1) has a son a year older than me, whom I knew casually from Boy Scouts over 50 years ago, who is also a doctor now (we'll call him D2). The guy on the phone is HIS son, now also a doctor, whom we'll call D3. (My wife tells me later that this guy went to school with her son, my stepson.)

So after discussing the medical stuff (and he seemed VERY competent—I was impressed) and exchanging a couple pleasant memories about D1, I say:

Me: “I haven't seen your dad in 20 or 30 years. [D2 was a sometime member of a local modeling club I started in the early '90s.] Last time I saw him, he bought a model airplane from me. [I remember this clearly because I almost never SELL any of my models. I only sold this one because he wanted it bad, and I knew I'd never actually build it, and the only reason I owned it in the first place was that Squadron Shop had had it on closeout, CHEAP, a decade before, and I knew a hot bargain even then. D2 offered me at least twice what I'd paid for it, maybe 3X, and I knew he could afford it, and I prolly needed the money. We were both pants-wetting happy with the deal, and I'd be willing to bet that that kit is now worth two to three times what HE paid ME for it on eBay. Such is life.] I wonder if he ever got around to building it.”

D3: [Without even asking what the model was]: “I can assure you that he has not built it. It's sitting in his basement, along with hundreds of others. You should SEE his basement. It's a gorram mess.”

Me: “I don't need to see his basement. I know exactly what it looks like. It looks just like MY basement. In fact, I remember a perfect description of it from an old episode of Parks & Rec where Leslie Nope described her own house as 'a scary hoarder nest.' I thought this was such a perfect and hilarious description that I bothered to memorize it.”

D3: “I remember that episode. Yes, that is a pretty darn good description of it.”


Didn't bother to tell him that Kit Hoarding Syndrome is a Thing, and that it's not at all uncommon. D3 is a doctor, and his time is valuable, and I'm sure he probably already knows. I also didn't mention that I also do it with model CARS. :blink:

D3 seemed like a nice guy. I hope I get the occasion to talk to him again sometime. I might even try to reach out to D2 and tell him this story. I don't know him that well, but I'm 100% sure he'll think it's hilarious. ;):lol:

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I hope you are doing Ok Richard. I have a very small number of kits on my shelf (cars only) compared to a lot of folks on here.  I bought them all with the intention of building them or scavenging them for parts. I likely won’t get around to building all of them, but I can’t pass up a good flea market or garage sale deal?…and there are still a couple on my “must acquire” list.?

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Great story. I have a bit of the hoarder bug it seems. I really only want ONE of everything I like with a few exceptions. I am at the point my supply will likely not run out before my life. I am 62 and could see building 10 a year given the time and motivation. The stash I have would then last me until I am 85. Of course, that assumes I will never buy any additional kits. (LOL)

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This story gets even MORE awesome, if you can believe it. 

I posted exactly the same story on a worldwide model airplane forum. You will never guess who answered the post. D2! I had NO idea he was on there! :blink:

He remembers the sale even better than I did. Wasn't the least bit miffed at all. 

I hope to reconnect with him in the very near future. Maybe I have some other "holy grail" kits of his. I'm in the mood to let things go, to the right people. D2 is definitely a "right people." ;)

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