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1974 Corvette 454 Convertible


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I have decided to try a build somewhat outside my comfort zone, not a Mustang but a 1974 Corvette. At least this will not be a kit bash and insane amount of scratch building like the Mustangs. There will be some scratch building for some parts that don’t exist or live up to expectations, but it will mostly be out of the kit.

I purchased this kit many years ago and started to build it over a weekend, rattle can painted the body, assembled the engine and some other parts. It was not pretty. I have now stripped the paint off the 1975 Corvette body and started converting it to a 1974. The kit came with a 454 and the last year of the 454 was 1974. I can only assume it was a slight retool of the annual 1974 to 1975. The engine had way too many chromed parts so I pulled it back apart and stripped all of the engine parts.

I am planning on doing my LED wiring I usually do, I think the hardest part will be finding a place for the battery and making the headlights pop up. Hopefully I can make space where the top would go down for the battery.



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I stripped a bunch more pieces that were chromed. Panel lined the rally wheels and got a period correct set of Goodyear pad printed tires I am going to got with. I also got the engine back together after dechroming parts that will all be Chevy engine red-orange. I drilled for plug wires and started filling seams. The kit did not come with the air cleaner ram air dual snorkel base so starting to scratch build. I didn’t get much done on the body. Just cleaned up mold lines, cut the rear bumper to look more like a 1974 and removed the corvette script on the rear bumper that will be replaced with photo etch. The front bumper doesn’t fit at all, going to take some work to get to look right. There is soooo much more work to get the body ready for paint.  


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8 hours ago, kelson said:

I'm looking forward to seeing how you get the headlights to pop up,following this build?

I am sure I will be able to figure out something. There are three openings in the underside of the front bumper that are supposed to be open but are closed over in the kit bumper. I will be opening those up for access to be able to open and close the headlights.

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2 hours ago, deuces wild said:

Did your kit come with the aluminum stacks for the Hilborn intake, or are they styrene????....

It actually came with both. Metal and some on the chrome tree. I am going with a stock build though, having to scratch build the air cleaner ram air base it didn’t come with. ?

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I had a very busy family day out but I did get a little bit done on the body.

The front emblem was not even centered on front end. I was planning on removing it and creating a new one anyway. I cut holes for LEDs for the front parking light and roughly cut out the headlight doors.


I etched the gas cap and removed the emblem. It is my understanding the 1974 didn’t have a gas cap emblem.


I drilled out the door locks and driver side alarm lock to add top studio rivets to later. Also removed the Stingray script that will get replace with photo etch and etched the door jambs a bit deeper.


I still have a lot to do including cut out the side markers for LEDs. I am probably going to cut out the convertible top door and make it hinged to open so I can put the A23 battery in the top well.



Edited by Duddly01
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Got a little done on the body. Cut open the side markers for LEDs. Opened the the bottom openings in the front fascia, worked on front bumper fit and started converting the front bumper to 1974 style with the straight curve across the top of it which is a lot different from the 1975.


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9 hours ago, Bills72sj said:

Following. I have slightly started a 75 T-top Vette for my best friend. I may use some of your tricks.

Thanks, hopefully the nose fits better from your kit. Getting it looking better but needing more work still. Need to cut out the convertible top door then on to fabricating the headlights.

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Started making the headlights. 1/4” tubing and sheet styrene. Created tabs on the headlight parts to keep from opening too far and tabs on the body to keep it from closing to far. Drilled holes for LEDs for outside headlights. 

Next I need to create hinges. The headlight tops will be glued to the headlight bases once I can make sure they align well with the body when closed.

the lids are just sitting on to see how it will look.


created tabs to keep the headlights from opening or closing too far. Holes drilled for LED wires.


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More work on the headlights. Got the hinges made, working on the body, added the tops fit as well as I could. 

I can access the headlight from underneath to raise them.

started adding epoxy putty to improve fit on driver side.


epoxy putty filled the cutout on the underside of the hood, created metal hood hinges, the original little tabs were not going to hold up. Lots of sanding and body work to come. 


Edited by Duddly01
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Body mods completed. Sanded the headlight, still need work but that will wait till prime and body work. 

installed hood hinge and adjusted fit and finish of hood.


cut open convertible top door, created lip, hinge and fitted to give access to LED battery.


body fabrication done and headlight, hood and convertible door open and close.


not picture but I modified the interior for the battery holder and drilled hole in spare cover for the switch.


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I am done with fab and going to be going into priming and body work. Can’t do much today, weather is cold and wet. I did get some primer on the body. Headlights need a lot of smoothing and there are a few scrapes in the body that need attention but it actually looks better than I expected.


I made a decal sheet for the gauges for this build as well as a few future builds.


This is the color I am going with, it says 1973 but this was the same orange they used for 1974 from what I read.


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