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2003 #29 Chevy


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First NASCAR build in eight years, so having to re-learn all of those atrophied race car builder skills from w-a-y back. That said this is a great one to restart with, simple paint scheme and excellent JWTBM decals. Not expecting to create any sort of 'WOW' model, just easing my way back into it.

Comments and questions welcome. Cheers from New Zealand.




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Another couple of sessions, some more progress... next will be the contingency 'stickers' and then a break for a couple of days before the clear coats.

Cheers from NZ.



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(JWTBM) Decals finished and sealed with three coats of Tamiya LP-09 lacquer clear. Will leave it alone now for around ten days to fully cure. Please feel free to make any comments. 

Cheers from NZ.


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Wow, Ian I don't remember this black and gold beauty. You're doing an excellent job with the paint and decals. Can't wait to see the finished product. Make sure you post a link on this thread when you are finished so I don't miss the showroom pictures.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Finally got around to sanding and polishing-out this one. As this is written, I've still not given it the final wax coat. Next I'll rinse it and hopefully the sun will appear long enough to take some outside photos.

Cheers all.



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