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Scratchbuilt chassis, painted wheels and body, fitted a difficult rear window, later a front window but both seem to be too big! Most of the Lumina kit was used in a Tradesman truck build last year.


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Thanks Mark I would like to double up the white over red decals, but they are very thin glossy plastic stickers. Test fitted onto the chassis while I think about adding dash, steering and making a roll-cage.



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Pat, so are they decals or actually self-adhesive stickers that you have to get right the first time they touch the model?  I could not even attempt something like that. I have to push a decal around forever to get it in the correct location and then use a ton of setting solution to get them to lay down without wrinkles. I'd be pulling what little hair I have left out if I tried those.


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5 hours ago, PatW said:

Yes Mark they are one touch self adhesive stickers! You have just one choice! 

Well then, I applaud your results, Pat. They all look placed perfectly where they should be, and I don't see any wrinkles at all.  Great job.

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