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FAKE EMAILS supposedly from Comcast / Xfinity going out to "account recovery" emails saying "Your automatic payment was declined bla bla bla"

And "your service will be interrupted", but they say "we will temporarily Turned off our service."

Anybody see anything wrong with that?

Then there's the originating email sender: www.pay-box.in

Of course there's the standard "click here, idiot" button to "update your account" that takes you to a spoofed site where they steal your debit card or bank account info.

Well see fellers, I don't do autopay. So that's another red flag.

And of course I'd never click the moron button.

BUT...the new twist is that if you try to go directly to Xfinity from the same browser, they've got some kind of redirect set up that makes the site seem to be inoperative, to try to scare you into going back and clicking the moron button.


I used another browser on a different ISP to access the real site and there's no problem.

Obviously somebody has hacked Xfinity and has all the "account recovery" emails, so BEWARE.


Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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1 hour ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

I wonder what they are doing to get the redirect. What else did they add to that computer?

I don't know. IT is not my area of expertise. 

However, after running the most current Windows and Chrome updates, the real site comes up every time now, not the spoofed one.

EDIT: There are several online references to "www.pay-box.in", the origin of the supposed Xfinity email, and it quite obviously has absolutely nothing nada zip zero to do with Xfinity / Comcast...other than being in India, where Xfinity has most of its customer service people.

There are some pretty sophisticated hackers all over the planet these days, so who knows.


Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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