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A&N KW W990

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I've been putting off this build since April, but after seeing more and more W990s on the road, I decided to bite the bullet and go for it. After completing A&N's Freightliner Argosy last year, I knew what I was in for- LOTS of parts, a lot of bending PE brass pieces, and a precision kit so tightly engineered that there is almost no wiggle-room.

I generally don't do build photos, but this one is different and challenging enough to be interesting. So, here are some pics from last week:

Sunday: Chassis started. IMG_5906.jpg.bd833229388023159c6c5704837db4d3.jpg

Also, X-15 engine almost done, Belts are electrical tape, sliced thin.


I also did the paint on the outside of the cab, hood and related parts. I like to complete the painting early in the build, so it has plenty of time to cure before I start messing with it.


I've been making steady progress, I'll keep y'all posted... stay tuned!

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Thanks, all, for your encouragement!  More progress on the chassis last night- completed the rear suspension and axles:

image.jpeg.44fd4e14df3721d49e18c671af09ef0c.jpegThis comes with very detailed brakes and hubs, but I'm leaving them off so the Revell wheels I'm planning to use will fit.


Front suspension and steering. They recommend using bolts to attach the springs, but the little resin bolts that came with the kit were too small and brittle to work, so I cut little pieces of wire instead. The steering works just fine, if a bit sluggishly. 

After a momentary panic at a misplaced bag of small resin parts, I'm continuing on the chassis by adding the cab mount assembly. I'm going out of order; I'll paint the chassis before assemble the battery/tool boxes and fuel tanks, since those will be chromed.

More to come!

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Thanks, Randy!

More progress over the last couple of days- got the chassis painted and the engine and radiator installed and hooked up. Everything is fitting together nicely so far.


Chassis ready for paint


Chassis painted, engine and radiator installed


Detail shots of the Cummins X-15 engine installed.

Now on to the interior- I hope to get a lot done this weekend.

Thanks for following!

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