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Micro Chisel!!!

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I have always beleived that to do a good job you need the right tools. There are some tools out there that are essential to have in your tool box or hobby room, this is one of them. I have used this tool before but never thought about sharing it with you guys so whoever owns one out there knows exactly what I am about to say.

I recently ordered a Dodge Demon from the Model Car Roundup website. It was pretty rough, (not to talk negatively about Model Car Roundup) so I had to do quite a bit of cleanup to get it in shape.

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After cleaning it up a bit I started working with the hood scoops. I started thinking about how to attack the excessive resin inside the scoops without messing them up and remembered that I had purchased this great little tool. The chisels come in different sizes which came in handy in able to do what I needed to do.

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These little chisels are very sharp and work very nicely, one must be careful when using them not only for personal safety reasons but also for the fact that you can easily mess up and cut off too much of your work, I recommend to just take your time and take off the least amount of resin or plastic when working with them. Patience and time is key here.

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Here is a picture of the hood. As you can see, the one on the left is untouched while the other one is already under way.

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Here is the completed hood, hope you guys consider this to be useful information and go out and acquire one of these micro chisels, I guarantee you will love them. It's just one of those products that are easy to recommend. Now, if only they could pay me for the plug!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Heath, that's caz it's a RESIN body, and not a plastic one. Resin casters use a whole buncha different resins to cast their products. Some work better than others.I have some resin bodies that feel almost grainy an rough, and others that are JUST LIKE plastic! Ask around, to see what's available and who to stay away from! NOT all resin casters care about the customer, so be warned ahead of time, but the MAJORITY of them are pretty straight up guys, who will try to help you out.The best resin casters products speak for themselves!!! :lol:

Edited by george 53
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Marcos, I have that SAME body, an your right, after a little cleanin up, it DOES make up a nice model! Only thing, I personally thought the scoops were TOO close together.So I just ground them off an used the scoops from an old gluebomb I had layin around.But I'm gonna DEFINATELY hafta get me one if them chisel thingies! Thanks for the tip!! :lol:

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Ah ... I can think of many uses for that tool. It did a nice job on those scoops. I would have never wanted to go in there with a Dremel! :lol:
Thanks Mike and no, you definetly don't want to use a dremel tool for this kind of work!!! ;)
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I got mine at Doc's Caboose. Railroad modelers need tools too! Here's a link to their tools:


The site shows "out of stock" on the chisel, but do what I did and just buy the replacement tips. They can be chucked up in a pinvise. As already mentioned, this is a good addition to your toolbox. The kind of tool that gets the job done when nothing else will.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Matt,

Just noticed that you're from Rockford. I'll be up there next weekend for a meeting. Any decent hobby shops around the area? Have you ever been to Al's Hobby Shop in Elmhurst? Al's used to carry all kinds of aftermarket items. I haven't been there since moving to FLA (8 years).

Hope you have nice weather for me next week.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Maybe like several of you, I ordered the micro chisel and replacement tips from Mssion Models back on July 9, 2009. I called first and Jon said everything was in stock. On August 13, 2009 I called and was told out of stock and should be getting the items in about 3 - 4 weeks. Today, September 22, 2009 I called Mission Models and was told out of stock but should be getting everything in 2 weeks. "It takes time to machine the parts" is what I was told. Well, Mission Models has 2 more weeks to show or they're going to have to refund my money.

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