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Guest Gramps-xrds

James, that thing looks sick. Very believable effect. You have a great eye for detail.


interesting effect!!

what did ya burn it with?? very realistic...

hmmm, did ya'll know that GM Opticlean burns??[part# 1051515]it's the alcohol content!! surface fire only, not real hot, but would probably bubble the paint!!


Thanks fellas....this body came smashed in the mail so I figgered I would do a wrecked funnycar...actually it would have been melted a bit and the whole inside of body blackened....I used dullcoat and sprinkled/smudged black pastel dust for ash/smoke look...exhaled from my cigarette to get smoke in 1st pic...tried to replicate exploded gas tank and motor...I used no reference so its kinda "imagineered"..Later....W427


Wow !! !!!Figured with a fiberglass repair kit and some funny car parts we could patch her back together and run funny car class...

If it had a radiator cap, I'd say save it and drive under a new one!! :D


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