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After being cramped in a small area my wife and resident warden let me have the entire basement for my own. All is complete after doing things my [and her way..painting and stuff]except the last 12 feet and that will be a TV and video game area and one more glass case....now back to building....




Work area is still messy, but somethings never change........


Looks great Ken, makes me think of my basement I had when I lived in Northern Illinois. Now that I am transplanted in the South, finding a house with a basement ain't easy. It sure would help me hide all of my kits!

Keep the work area nice and neat and maybe the Warden will let you have more space!

Mike Scheve


Well let's see here, now yu have enuff room to turn around. Whar's tha TV and tha stereo gonna sit? and whar's tha Cruisin' Series kits? Just how small was yur other niche Ken?


Zeb , old room was 12 x 14 with a walk in closet , TV's goin on the wall tonite, Pat stanchions and blue rug came out of a bank we moved as well as 1 big glass case [moving furniture has its pluses] clients tell us to get rid of alot of good things...

Zeb, I think I'm the only one with an intrest in these ........



Gotta light a fire under mah dawter's yu know what and get her digital camera....

And where do yu hide tha Tamiya's Ken?


WOW !!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Nice place you got there Ken!!!!!! I am still working on my new "Hobby Room" and I can't wait to get it done...

Don't worry about the mess, a friend at the office has a tag on his cubicle that reads as follows:

" A clean desk is a clear sign of a sick mind"



Went to yur fotki site today Kenny to look at yur Tamiyas....NO TANKS man no tanks! So I went strolling and found yur family page, man how did yu get DOT to give yu an Operator's License, yu look really young and hey tha zoo trip......how come all yu have is animal rear bumper shots.......??


HA...What would the D.O.T. know about anything , I live in Illinois where the Gov'na was going to prison for dealin' out CDLs like playing cards....but thats my 24 year old son and his wife as of Saturday the 20th 2007 when he gets married...they say I look like the mailman....


Thanks, the one in the pic came from Hobby Lobby...they were selling 'em for $150 bucks each..two weeks after I bought it , the company I work for relocated a bank to their new building. They got rid of 3 this same size except no wood , they were all glass and the same size trimmed in chrome...I was lucky to get one...just didnt get it from the garage to the basement yet.... :wink:

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