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Posted (edited)

How many of you have seen Jairus' Artwork in MCM and thought to yourself, 'I need to build that'? Well here's your chance. Yesterday at the PNW Model Car Fest was the official kick-off of the Jairus Watson Artwork Challenge. The idea behind the challenge came from a similar challenge that is going on over on the Kustom Kemps in Miniature Forum with the artwork of Keith Weesner. I have had the good fortune of calling Jairus a friend as well as a fellow club member for the past 15 or so years and felt that something along these lines was do the artwork we all have enjoyed in magazines for years. I presented the idea to Jairus and Gregg and got both their buy-in on the project, of course Gregg's response was, "glad I thought of it."

So, here is the premise behind the Jairus Watson Artwork Challenge. 50 pieces of Jairus' artwork were selected, each given a number. Each print was sealed in an envelope with the corresponding number on the outside of the envelope. Then a blind draw followed at yesterdays Model Car Fest. Those who chose to participate in the Challenge drew an envelope, the artwork in that envelope is what they will get to build over the next 12 months. The big reveal will be at the 2011 PNW Model Car Fest with an award given to the build that best replicates the artwork they started with. Don't let the fact that you can't attend the 2011 PNW Model Car Fest stop you from participating in the Challenge as there will also be an award for the Challenge build that best replicates the artwork. A panel of SABA members will determine the best replicated build from photos submitted.

So, here is where you the members of the MCM forum come into play. If you weren't able to attend the Model Car Fest yesterday and you would like to participate in the Challenge here is your opportunity. There are still envelopes available crying out for someone to take them on as a Challenge build. PM me your email address or your snail mail address and I will get one of the remaining pieces of Artwork to you. Obviously, the sooner you get your piece of Jairus' Artwork the sooner you can get started on your part of the Challenge build. I will also send you the email address to submit the photos of your completed builds if you aren't able the attend next years Model Car Fest on March 26th, 2011.

Let's see how well we can showcase Jairus' Artwork as well as our building skills.

Here are the assignments following yesterdays blind draw:

Dave Melcher - '65 Mercury Comet Convertible

Galen Allen - '38 Woodster Woody

Mike Kerns - '47 Chevy Fleetline-Black

Chris Millar - Red, White and Blue '32 3 WIndow Coupe

Floyd Blakley - '29 Rat Rod Pickup

Richard Brown - PT Cruiser Woody

Steve Prow - '48 Woody

Dave Beach - '60 Starliner

Ron Martinolich - '29 Rusto RPU

Chuck Carter - '70 Camaro Convertible

Dave Fletcher - VW Bus - Bussnano

Bob Robinson - '50 Chevy Truckster

Jerry MAck - Pie Wagon Woody

James Warkentin - '53 Ford Truckster

Dick Messner - '58 Plymouth

Rick 'Grumpy' Goer - '48 Ford Sportsman

Jairus Watson - '29 Roadster

Dennis Pierce - '29 Sports Coupe

Charles Cochran - '36 Ford Pickup

Neal aka Outlaw35 - '41 Chevy Pickup

Ken Kilbourn - '34 Woody

MikeMc - '48 Chevy 'The Bomb'

Tom Kendall - The Beetle

Tom Jackson - '53 Ford Custom

Jason Vandergriff - Rambunctious Dodge Ram Extended Cab

Glenn Nunnally - Silverado Extended Cab

I will update the list as others chose to take part in the Challenge.

Edited by Fletch


I would like in. I sent you a note. Seeing as how I already have 5 of his drawings in progress I would love to get in on this.



Tom, welcome to the challenge, check your PM and let me know which option you would like and I'll get it on the way to you.


Posted (edited)

To Dave and members of MCM.

I am honored more than you can ever know! It is a cool idea regardless if the artist were me, Jeff Norwell, Steve Sanford or Keith Weesner.

Love the idea however, do not be put off by the presence of my name on the list. I wanted to play too but will in no way be in competition for first place... whatever that is. That would not be cricket I feel since my name is on the title of the contest.

However... I will be posting updates regarding progress of my project and maybe, just MAYBE I'll finish this one... ;)

But I do want to help so if anyone wants a good digital copy of their project or has questions about what is what, drop me a line and I will help if I can.

Edited by Jairus

I'm liking this idea and I look forward to what I get to build. I am just days away from finishing my 70 1/2 Camaro convertible and I really am happy with it.

BTW- I think that a Steve Stanford contest would be another good one. I always liked his style and taste in drawings too but as of yet I have not built one of his. Does anyone know if he has a site with some of his drawings on it? (I'll have to do a Google search for him)

Again, I look forward to this and can't wait to see how everyone's progresses.



I have one started and about half done. My choice was the 53 Ford that was made into a roadster with those cool lake pipes. I'll see if I can get a picture posted of my progress so far when I get home from work.


The first batch of info packs will be going out in the morning, both by email and snail mail. They will be randomly drawn, an address label attached to the envelope the off to the post office. If you opted for both types of delivery you will also get the same info and artwork via email.

Thank you for your interest.


The first batch of packets have been sent out either by email or snail mail. So, check you inboxes and those who requested them by snail mail check your mail box in a couple a day.

Thank you again for your interest in the challenge



... so Dave. Shall we post updates in this thread or start our own... or will Gregg be setting up a forum section just for the builds like over at that other forum?


... so Dave. Shall we post updates in this thread or start our own... or will Gregg be setting up a forum section just for the builds like over at that other forum?

"Other" forum??? :)


OK. Step one. Gathering the parts. Who has a hardtop VW Bettle kit available for my build? PM me, if you do and hopefully we can work something out.

I'll also need to find the wheels I need. It is the AMT Slammers "Street Heat" kit. Here is a link to the kit.


Any help is appreciated.

I think we should definitely start a place to post these builds.



... so Dave. Shall we post updates in this thread or start our own... or will Gregg be setting up a forum section just for the builds like over at that other forum?

Let me PM Harry and Gregg and see how they would like it set-up. It was the one thing I didn't talk with Gregg about.


OK. Step one. Gathering the parts. Who has a hardtop VW Bettle kit available for my build? PM me, if you do and hopefully we can work something out.

I'll also need to find the wheels I need. It is the AMT Slammers "Street Heat" kit. Here is a link to the kit.


Any help is appreciated.

I think we should definitely start a place to post these builds.


Tom, I can help you. Sealed "Street Heat" kit if you have an AMT or Revell '32 Ford? I need only the frame rails by the way.

Posted (edited)

"Other" forum??? :P

Yes, Harry, there might be "another" forum, but this one is MUCH nicer!! That "other" forum does have it's own section for Community Builds, and that wouldn't be a bad idea here. ;) It would make the Community Builds easier to find! Just a thought. Please don't think less of me if I just might be a member of the "other" forum, too! :D

Edited by highway
Posted (edited)

I think I may actually already have the kits to complete this. I need to get some of the other ###### off of the bench first. I will start looking tonight. Is the ZZ top 34 ford still available in some form? Opps, sorry for the 'bad' word ;)

Edited by Ken

Is the ZZ top 34 ford still available in some form? Opps, sorry for the 'bad' word ;)

I'm not sure if there has been any since this "Thom Taylor" issue from around 2000. It has a Cabriolet soft up top or the down top tonneau.


P.S.: I'm sorry, but I'm building both of these, so I can't help you out!


Well guys-

I hate to do it but as of now I'm out of this build. My wife and I just had it out and she is tired of my model addiction, and after 20 years of arguing about it, I'm tired. So, to try to make my house a home again, I have to bow out. I'll still be lurking in the shadows, just not as frequently.

I thank all of you for a fun time and I'll see you around the forums.



Cool, I have the thom taylor issue somewhere around here... Got start searching the stash. I will send up a flare if I get lost!!! B)


Cool, I have the thom taylor issue somewhere around here... Got start searching the stash. I will send up a flare if I get lost!!! :D

Your stash is so big you might get lost!?!? :D The only problem I have with my stash is models appearring out of thin air and me asking myself "Where did this come from?" and "I don't remember buying this!".


Well, it is, but I never realized it till now. Having a couple of Big Lots near by and 5 or 6 Hobby Lobby stores doesn't help. A lot were bought in the clearance isles as part donors and such. Doesn't help that I like to build the occasional plane or tank either. Dug around one of the sheds this morning and found the Thom Taylor 34. I also discovered that during the winter, a large branch had fallen on one of the sheds and dented the roof. Luckily, most of the models were on the other side of shed from the hole. A couple of my 1/8th 32 fords are soaked though. Good thing I store my decals inside. Boxes are toast, but the plastic is fine. Just need some really large bags! B)

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