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I keep mine in clear cases, but you could use a can of compressed air, the kind they sell for cleaning keyboards, etc. Most office and elec. supply stores sell them.

Posted (edited)

I keep my really good build in a Carney Plastics case that holds about 27 kits. I have a couple in homemade plastic display cases. Others are kept in an entertainment center behind glass doors, and others are in a plastic encased diorama. The easiest way for me to clean to to get out a soft rag and a can of Pledge furniture polish. I like the lemon scented stuff. One by one pull them out and clean/polish each of them.

Edited by crazyjim

I use a women's make-up brush. I have two different sizes. They are very soft and do a pretty good job.

Ask your wife or girlfriend (but not both!) to pick you up a couple the next time they're out.

However, if you actually have a life and can't be dusting your models everyday you'll find that these brushes will only knock off the loose dust. Then I follow up with a "car wash". I put a drop or two of dishwashing liquid in a small cup of water, then use a Q-tip and gently scrub the model with this solution. It will usually just air dry and look fine.


Roger - how's this idea? Pack your dusty models in a box and send them to me. I'll clean them but you probably won't get them back. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. :lol:



Why ask your wife or girlfriend to pick up the makeup brushes for you? I you do it yourself you can checkout the ladies while you're there, right???

Well, that was for those guys who might be a little too embarrassed to buy "ladies" stuff for themselves.

I've been known to buy nail polish and all sorts of stuff like that! :lol:


Ditto what Roger said! Seriously tho, make up brushes work, but with physical contact, there is still a chance of breaking off parts, if you are not putting em in cases, I'd go with the cans of compressed air.


When it comes to cases, inquire about factory seconds, or used cases. I've heard of some deals on used cases. The seconds I've seen are flawed so slightly its no bid deal. I've only bought one case, it was from Mac tools, it rode in the truck and rubbed a blemish into it. I used some polish and, its like 90% gone if not more. I got a used case with a crack in the mirror backing. I cut down a piece of mirror, and slid it in the compartment, and its like new.

So keep an eye out for deals craigs list and the like. If my models arent in a case they stay in the box till I get one. Dust is a pain to get off and out of a model.



I've made display cases with some scrap wood for the base and plexiglass I bought from Home Depot. used clear silicone to glue the corners and top. I buy the plexiglass in larger sheets and cut it to what I need. Comes out cheaper.



I've made display cases with some scrap wood for the base and plexiglass I bought from Home Depot. used clear silicone to glue the corners and top. I buy the plexiglass in larger sheets and cut it to what I need. Comes out cheaper.

It probably would. On a largish sheet of plexiglass, you can probably get a dozen or so cases for about $40-50.

I'm designing a small display case now. As I don't like a lot of the glues available for clear plastics, I'm going to use some small wooden splines, and then cut a base out of thin-ish (about 3/8") plywood (heavy enough to not warp too easily,) followed by paint/stain as appropriate.

Once I get around to doing these, I'll post a few pictures up.

Charlie Larkin


cleaning models fall under cleaning

therefor, the wifey does it :D

Based on what appears to be your wife's feelings towards models (one on display at a time?! Pfui!,) are you sure it won't end up like this one??



Charlie Larkin


Based on what appears to be your wife's feelings towards models (one on display at a time?! Pfui!,) are you sure it won't end up like this one??



Charlie Larkin

she'd never do that :huh: the reason she only wants one model on display is because she doesnt like clutter

i got a ton of em scattered around the basement on display :blink:

all of which she cleans by the way :lol:



I tried Ambroid on the plexiglass corners and didn't like it. That's why I switched to the clear silicone. I cut the tip off so there's only a small opening that you can draw a fine bead that almost disappears when dry.



I tried Ambroid on the plexiglass corners and didn't like it. That's why I switched to the clear silicone. I cut the tip off so there's only a small opening that you can draw a fine bead that almost disappears when dry.

And I don't have to set up the table-saw!

Thanks, Jim. I may give that a shot.

Charlie Larkin

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