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'72 Ford Custom


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Since I love the huge Ford's out of the '60s and '70s, I could not pass up the '72 Ford Custom from the Modelhaus. This will be my first resin kit that I have ever finished (knock on wood). The only thing I have added, wheel trim molding, white walls (thin), and full size wheel covers. The body was shot with the three part Model Master lacquer system. Two coats of primer, three coats of Citrus Yellow Metallic, and two coats of Ultra Gloss Clear. This was also the first time I used a sanding polishing kit. All I have to say, I LOVE IT! I was really worried taking sandpaper to my paint work, but I'm glad I did. The interior was painted with Tamiya TS-2 dark green.

I know someone else on here did a Dirty Harry Ford but I just wanted a plan jane model, more like a rented car from Hertz or Avis.





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Looks like a real daily driver, thats what I love about it. Not too many people build factory stock cars seems to me, almost everything is custom. Great work!

What kind of polishing kit did you use and how do you use them?

Edited by lrlocke01
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Thank you everyone. What can I say, I love the whale like Detroit iron.

Rick: The polishing kit I used is made by Stevens International. Part number HSX 202. It has a polishing cloth, bottle of Micro Gloss, then the sand paper, going from 2,400 to 12,000 grit. Each time I switched the grit, I just washed off the car and sand paper with tap water. As for the water I used to sand with, again, tap water but with a drop of dish washing soap. Wish I was not so worried about it before, it went so smoothly.

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That's a beautifull looking car Jonny!

The color combination works really well, and I love the bench seat

Is this the same Ford kit as the HH police car?, I have one of those buried under a pile of other kits waiting to see the light of day.

Thanks for reminding me about it! B)


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Man that is just plain sweet, I gotta get one to build the Car from White Lightning.

Oh Heck Yes!

Gator's Ford is a fav of mine.

Clean sweet build. First time I polished a finish it took an hour to build up to it. Then I said oh well here we go.


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Well done! Magnificent paint work! Those cars were NEVER that shiny!

I recently got a dvd set of Streets of San Francisco, which used Galaxies of each new model year, '72-'77 gold with tan vinyl interiors, so there's another potential use...

I remember Michael Douglas' last onscreen line as he was leaving the series... 'I'm gonna miss this old tank!'

Bet Ford loved that one!!!

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Burt used '71 Customs, Custom 500s, Galaxies, and I think there where a couple LTD's. The MissingLink resin casters have the '71 Custom. The front bumper and rear bumper are changed from '71 to '72.



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Burt used '71 Customs, Custom 500s, Galaxies, and I think there where a couple LTD's. The MissingLink resin casters have the '71 Custom. The front bumper and rear bumper are changed from '71 to '72.



Johnny I knew that most were Custom 500's, I was looking at the Missing link.

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I love the simplicity of it and there is always something cool when these kind of cars are painted in green, perfect color choice!! I might just have to pick one up from Modelhaus and yes, it will not be the same shade of green but, it will most certainly be green!!! ;)

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