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This here is my shot at the Optima. I did not realise Aftashox was working on it too and his certailnly looks better but I will say this was cool to start scratch building. I am not sure the size but the "6 pack" is Evergreen tube and I used Evergreen flat styrene for the top and bottom. I doubled the top and drilled it for the posts. I have this on the work bench since I still have to work out the right cables and PE parts. I think I like the start though. Enjoy :DDSC04017.jpgDSC04018.jpgDSC04019.jpgDSC04020.jpgDSC04021.jpgDSC04032.jpg


Hey Brian, I must say that that battery looks pretty darn good!

I agree, and at least you were brave enough to do one, that's farther than I've gotten!


Looks good. I find that scratchbuilding is very rewarding...especially, if the subject matter is not readily available.

I noticed that the cuts were a little rough. If you are serious about scratchbuilding, consider getting a razor saw, and miter box (about a $10.00 investment)...square cuts mean less sanding to even everything out.

Keep up the great work!


Thanks for the thoughts and feedback guys. Jimmy I agree. I still need some tool and I didn't even try to sand this at all. I was using this one as a moch up basically to see if I would be interested in making more. I'm also not to worried about the paint so it can see the purple pond. Its just testors bottle red and spray grey primer. I think I will clean this up as you guys seem to like it a bit so far ;)


I think you did a nice job, Brian. I like the approach for building that, sort of how I would of thought to do it, too. With time, you'll improve your skills.

Charlie Larkin


Hay man all I see is a great start, a job well done, be proud of youself, this is a new start for you in the hobbie, stay with it, and you can only get better.....


railfreak pm sent

Looks good. I'll probably make one of my own in the near future.

Also, thanks for the advice, Jimmy.

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