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I have been wanting to build one of these for a long long time. Kit is the Hippie Hemi from AMT, without the crazy body. So far its been a pretty straight forward, box stock build, with some basic wiring and detail painting.

comments crits welcome

no sticks or stones 100_9833.jpg




Posted (edited)

Very nice so far. cool.gifsmile.gif Nice choice of colors and metalics. The Hippie Hemi uses the AMT Garlits Wynn's Jammer chassis/engine combo, which is a real classic. Any plans for the body?

Edited by gbk1
Guest Johnny

Beautiful build Jim!cool.gif

When I was a kid there were at least half a dozen of those in garages around town and a few more out of town built in barns on farms I worked at!

They would block off a stretch or new blacktop a ways out (with theassistance of the county police)and set the cars up as close as they could on a Friday afternoon so they could head out Sat. morning to Oswego, US30, Union Grove or Byron!

Those were the days! Thanks for the memories!smile.gif


Nice work,is it just the angle you took the pic at or are the rear tyres in the first pic different widths?


Nice work,is it just the angle you took the pic at or are the rear tyres in the first pic different widths?

Glenn, it just the angle of the pic.

Thanks for all the comments guys!

it took a soak in the brake fluid, my son spilled some paint on it, but its stripped and re-painted in the same color. Working on a scratch built body for it right now. nothing crazy, just a simple tin wrap around.

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