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Here ya go Nick!! :lol: :lol: :lol:



MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Chocolate chip, my favorite!!! :lol:


Romell...this is a classic example of why you have to be careful what words you choose on the internet. I don't think the Thread Starter chose them haphazzardly, I think he was looking to see what kind of reaction he could get to amuse himself.

The Thread Starter asked "what's wrong with this model" and the responses reflect that. He was actually shown total respect in the sense posters responded with EXACTLY what he asked for. Praise would have been ignoring his request, and was not what he actually asked for.

Had he asked "what's right about this build?" he probably would have gotten very different answers. That's why it's always important to make sure you ask for what you really want...'cos you may just get it.

Quite right.......but I was more looking for various opinions on an open ended question. The responses were all genuine, valid and in some cases, very concise. The opinions will help me in future kit choices. There were points made about the build that I had not even considered.

All in all, the kit was pretty inexpensive on close out and the Stingaree kit has flaws, but in my opinion it was meant by AMT to be more of a fantasy build than anything else. I mean, who in their right mind would build a real funny car with just a basic roll bar?! If the kit was based on a real car, I have never seen it and it probably wouldn't have run too fast(if at all) ;)


Oh, I completely understand. That's why I only mentioned the body (I knew it was one of those "thingie" AMT drag-esque creations that would have had some body on it but not which one). Listing the implausible elements of the AMT kit? That'd take all week! I think you could almost answer your title question with "What's wrong with this build? The fact that this kit got built!"

Ya know Mark, I coulda really kitbashed the thing to make it a plausable car, but the only thing that would have stayed from the kit would be the parachute pack (and I'm even on the fence about that!) So, yep, I gotta agree with ya, and I wouldn't have bought the kit at regular price....... B).....paid 6 bucks.....but it was a fun excercise.


Oh by the way Charles,

It looks cool, and if you indeed had fun, then everything is as it should be. Even the worst attempt I ever made a building at car was fun, or I wouldn't have done it.




Now I know what TS stands for. Thanks gang.

(Can I have a cookie?) :D


Oh by the way Charles,

It looks cool, and if you indeed had fun, then everything is as it should be. Even the worst attempt I ever made a building at car was fun, or I wouldn't have done it.


Sometime ya just gotta go thru the motions. I have builds that have been more of a pain than a pleasure (don't EVEN go there) :D , but they kept me busy during a layoff. And.....Again....cookies are on the table by the door next to the coffee maker, help yourselves!


The ONLY thing I found wrong with that.......was that it wasn't on MY shelf....:)

its not on my shelf

Wow, thank you very much!

Now.......you can always build one yourself......

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