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Too much time on the computer and not enough building lately leads me to post strange topics so here goes another.... How many builds do you other members have actually finished and sitting on display versus how many unfinished? And how many of you will go and raid one finished model for donor parts for a current build because you cant find or dont want to wait for parts?


I only have six built models as I just got back into modeling.

I have fifteen in reserve to build though I started on two of those. A 1968 Plymouth Roadrunner, I quit working on that to start a 1962 Pontiac 421 but lost the upper control arms and have now started on a 1951 Chevy belair.

I agree the comp. takes entirely to much of my time.


Since I started this topic, I really should have mentioned my collection as well!

I have 9 trucks and one car finished. The number would be 12 if I didnt get so worked up about a work in progress needing this or that and reducing a finished one to parts.

A channeled Lindberg 32 Ford pick up with a lot of scratchbuilding done and just needing some paint, a resin Diamond T, an Aussie Western Star with a resin Road Boss conversion kit and a scratchbuilt Mack H-61 project, all needing to be finished. I have about 9 or 10 model car kits all still in their boxes waiting to be built.


I have 30 finished, too many to count in various stages of completion. I stopped counting my models 7 years ago when I built my house and at that time I had close to 400. Small amount compared to some of my friends.


I have around 300 junk/project cars, about 100 not started, about 25 started and only 13 finished. Oh and I just got back into the hobby starting fresh in Dec of 2009 so it hasn't even been a year. I think I have a problem :)


I got 17 finished and on display (that is since I got back into modeling a few years ago, the other ones I built when I was younger got destroyed by the nephews...). That's not counting the ones I sold. I have none unfinished ones, I like to finish them before starting another one. I build one model at a time. I got about 50 kits waiting in line... although some of those are for parts and I never pick parts on a finished model.


I have 19 finished 5 in boxes and 1 that I'm going to start on tonight. I only build one at a time otherwise they would never get done

I have been tempted to rob parts but I just cant bring myself to do it, which is good.




I have 23 finished, 8 in progress over, 300 untouched and 1 totally scratch built in progress. I have been building since April of 2009. The last model I built before that was in 1961.


Be close to 200 built, about 250 unbuilt. I have a lot of resin so I dont have to raid other kits too much, does happen occasionally though. I have finished 20 this year though, 18 of which were started this year, so it wont take long to burn through what I have.

Posted (edited)

OK I'll bite on this thread, I have 3 built, and 30+ in various stages of started, and wip, plus I'm about to have 10 built ups dropped at my door for a redoing, or rebuilding, to my style, and oh yeah, I steal parts from everything, at one time or another.....

Edited by unforgiven

If we're talking shiny stuff (cars & motorcycles) I have 1 finished here at the house, and there are 5 Moto GP motorcycles I built and sold that I presume are still on display in the customers' homes, I have about 50 kits unbuilt, and I'd say all 50 of those are in some sort of advanced planning stages in my brain, if not actually opened and started :) Research and planning are my favorite parts of the hobby! There's probably still a box or two at my mom's place in VA that has my childhood/teenage builds in it, I's say I did about 50 shiny things back then. I have and will continue to rob finished builds of parts, for me it's about the journey and not the destination, you know?


I have 4 class 6 thru 8 trucks started,1 farm tractor started,to many too count finshed and wayyyyy to many to count still in boxes.I don't rob parts from finshed or unstarted kits,I have boxes and bags of parts for that and scratch build what I don't have or can't get.thanks,Chris


Since I got back in the hobby about 6 years ago, I have 30 built and on display, and 1,400 waiting in the wings. I plan to live until I'm 380 years old.

Posted (edited)

i got 4 of my favourite built ones on display in the house


only got 1 shelf ;( the rest are for my speedfreaks I LOVE em


bout 5 built in my model hut 3 wip and 25-30 unbuilt but in my head ive got plans for nearly everyone. Which makes it hard to thin the collection down as im running out of space lol B)

Edited by cazxr2

As a teenager in the 1960's I had 250 built models in the house at one time. I gave away all but about 40 of them, which I still have, and have built about 30 more since 2003. I have one on the workbench, and three others in the queue. I build them one at a time - no concurrent builds. Old habits, I guess. As a kid, I couldn't afford a stash of unbuilt kits. I would buy one, then build it, then buy another when I had money, and build it. Still do it pretty much that way!



HMMMM, Interesting comments here guys. Gotta say though once the bug bites harder and harder the amount of builds and kit stashes seem to get a lot bigger. Although Im sure some of you have been building for many years. I am also interested in the different opinions from some guys about raiding finished builds for parts etc. Some of opinions make it sound like sacrilege and others dont seem to be too hesitant. I have gotten to a point now where I am comfortable enough to scratchbuild parts so therefore dont do as much raiding. Lastly my personal opinion of my builds and skill level now compared to when I first started building, has rendered me incapable of being able to go and pull apart a model for parts.


5 or 6 started. one 90% complete. 700+ not touched. life seems to get in the way but it seems i never can stop buying them or finding great deals i cant resist.


Several in the 70's all but 1 have been sold in my Uncles estate.

(Every model I put together, I gave to him)

The 1 that was salvaged was a Semi- That is sitting in my

fathers estate right now, along with a 1:43 VW Bug (testors)

I gave that to dad. He LOVED it!

some in the late 80's early 90's. I gave those away too.

(I built a '68 stang for my friend, she had one.)

She recently "refound" the model... and called me.

"You'll never guess what I found while cleaning out the garage?"

haha... I already knew, the blue stang!

Mid 90's I built a ton. ALL have been stolen.

I had a 1:4 visible engine too!

All models were complete... and stolen.

Talk about heart break?

I never touched a model until 3 years ago.

I have not completed any yet. This season, I will.

I'm restocking on all the ones that were stolen in the past.

"ReBuilds" Its ok... I will enjoy them again!

There is probably 30 kits on the shelf with my name on them.

I can't hardly wait for my new house, there WILL be

a hobby room.

(This house is too small, its full of boxed models!)


And no place roomy enough to build.

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